
  • 에케베리아 칸테
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2018. 6. 19. 17:43

    국표에 없는

    에케베리아 칸테

    Echeveria cante x E. lyonsii

    Created by Gerhard Köhres, Germany

    Common Names:  
    Echeveria 'White Cloud', Echeveria 'White Shadow'
    This very pretty echeveria was originally thought to be a form of E. subrigida and is closely related to it, E. cante was given separate species status in 1998; the new name honors the Cante Institute and Botanic Garden in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. E. cante usually grows in solitary, 1-2 foot, stemless rosettes of whitish blue-green leaves edged in rose pink. The leaves and inflorescences are covered with a powdery lavender-white coating. The plant blooms in summer with 1 inch long flowers in the typical reddish-orange color of the genus. Flower spikes rise 1.5 to 2 feet tall and have multiple short side branches that bear several flowers each. The genus Echeveria was namedinto honor of Mexican botanical artist Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy in 1828 by the French botanist Augustin Pyramus de Candolle. Echeverias comprise about 180 species and are native to mid to higher elevations in the Americas with the main distribution in Mexico and central America but extending as far north as southern Texas and as far south as Bolivia, Peru and possibly Argentina. Special care should be taken not to touch the distinctive leaf bloom.


    국표에 있는

    Echeveria cante Glass & Mend.-Garc.

    Description: Echeveria cante is a very beautiful species related with Echeveria subrigida, which occurs a considerable distance away to the south and the southeast. It differs from E. subrigida in its greater number of farinose rather than glaucous to pruinose leaves, which are narrower and thicker as well as generally longer than those of E. subrigida and the flowers are distinctly different. It was only recently named though the plant has long been in cultivation misnamed as a form of Echeveria subrigida or under the name Echeveria rosei. The new name name honors the Cante Institute and Botanic Garden in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico
    Rosettes: Very large solitary, but occasionally make a few offsets, stemless, that can grow to be quite large as echeverias (about 30-40 cm in diameter)
    Leaves: 35-50 (or more in large mature specimens), 15-18 cm long, 6,5-7,5 cm large, flat to slightly concave above, slightly convex below, without keel, pale bluish-green tinged lavender, with a thick powdery whitish lavender coating and with a milky opalescent quality and often with a fine narrow pink-red edge along the leaf margin, and the whole rosette can be tinted lavender under some growing conditions.
    Inflorescence: Stalk erect. pruinose reddish, usually solitary 45-60 cm long, with about 5 branches 3-8 cm apart, each with 4-12 flowers; bearing grey leaf bracts soon drying and falling.
    Pedicels: 4-17 mm long and 4 mm thick.
    Flowers: About. 23 mm long; tube pruinose greyish-lavender, petals 20 mm long, 6-8 mm wide pruinose orange-pink outside, inner surface yellowish.
    Stamens: 10 closely appressed to petals with pale yellow pollen.
    Stigma: Pale yellowish in lower half, upper half dark red.
    Nectaries: Yellowish tinged pink.
    Blooming season: Late summer.

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