누트가루피너스식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2018. 6. 5. 14:59
과명 Leguminosae (콩과) 속명 Lupinus (가는잎미선콩속) 전체학명 Lupinus nootkatensis Sims 추천명 누트가루피너스 이명 외국명 학명변경: 명명자변경 Donn -> Sims 추천명변경: 노오트카텐시스루피너스 -> 누트가루피너스http://www.nature.go.kr/kpni/stndasrch/dtl/selectNtnStndaPlantDtl2.do?orgId=kpniLupinus nootkatensis, the Nootka lupine, is a perennial plant of the genus Lupinus in the legume family, Fabaceae. It is native to North-America. The Nootka lupine grows to 60 cm tall. Late in the 18th century it was first introduced to Europe.The Nootka lupine is common on the west coast of North America, and is one of the species from which the garden hybrids are derived, being valued in Britain and other North-European countries for its tolerance of cool, wet summers. In North-America, it grows along roadsides, gravel bars, and forest clearings from the Aleutian Islands and Southcentral Alaska, and along the Alaskan panhandle to British Columbia. Rigorous self-seeders as they are, lupine can often be seen along roadsides and in open meadows, their bright blueish purple flowers catching ones eye from quite a distance. Their long tap roots make transplanting difficult, so sowing seed is preferable.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupinus_nootkatensis'식물 > 들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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