괴마옥(怪魔玉)=>나발용(螺髮龍)식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2018. 4. 10. 16:36
Euphorbia hypogaea cactus
Euphorbia(대극과 대극속)에 국표에는 [hypogaea]이 없다.
괴마옥,개마옥,파인애플선인장이라고 유통되지만파인애플선인장은Echinomastus johnsonii E.M. Baxter 로 따로 있다.http://100.daum.net/encyclopedia/view/176XX65500109[파인애플 선인장이라는 별명이 훨씬 더 잘 어울립니다]라고 주장하는 사람들도 있습니다.https://brunch.co.kr/@jhbada/39♠ 남미 고지 소형종[Notocacteae] 극광환 속(極光丸 屬) [Genus Eriosyce, 78종]Eriosyce bulbocalyx[역표옥(逆豹玉), 무쌍환(無雙丸)]⇒이명 : Pyrrhocactus dubius[괴마옥(怪魔玉]https://band.us/band/64649660/post/78http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1829/Pyrrhocactus_dubius
이라고도이 괴마옥은 선인장이다.Eriosyce bulbocalyx[역표옥(逆豹玉), 무쌍환(無雙丸)]도http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1818/Eriosyce_bulbocalyx분명 선인장이다.선인장에도 괴마옥(怪魔玉)이라는 이름이 있다.http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=dayugee&logNo=90175061151에서나발용(螺髮龍)으로도 유통된다.
철갑환(E.bupleurfolia)x아미산(E.'Gabizan')의 교배종이다.
Euphorbia bupleurifolia Euphorbia x japonica
Euphorbia cv. Cocklebur
Euphorbia x japonica syn. Euphorbia cv. Cockleburhttps://www.gardentags.com/plant-encyclopedia/
japonicaDescription: Euphorbia bupleurifolia is a low-growing, spineless, plant with a short caudiciform trunk that looks like a small pine cone topped with a crown of green leaves. The whole plant abounds with milky juice.
Stem: It has a brown, spherical barrel-shaped or columnar caudex usually unbranched or occasionally few branched, that look like a pine-cone or a woody trunk. The stem which does not photosynthesise is a reserve for water, and usually does not grow much higher than around 20 cm and 7,5 cm thick. The trunk has a geometrically-neat tubercled surface, the tubercles (tuberculiform corky scars occasioned by falling away of the old leaves) are prominent dark reddish-brown up to 3 mm hight and crowded in many spiral series imbilicated in the centre giving a reticulate appearance to the surface.
Leaves: Deciduous borne in wet season and falling in the dry season, lanceolate, erecto-patent, willow -like, narrow or large, in dens tufts on the stems apex, 7-15 cm long by about 2 cm, not succulent, light green, making it look like a palm tree or a pineapple.
Flowers: The cyathia are solitary and quite small (about 5-7 mm in diameter), yellowish-green becoming reddish, cupped by 2 ovate bracts 1 x 2 cm wide. Nectar gland oblong, 2-lipped, margin entire or finely crenulate. They develop at the crown of the plant. The peduncles is 1-5 cm long and fall away after drying.
Blooming season: Spring.
bupleurifoliaDescription: Euphorbia cv. Cocklebur, more commonly know as Euphorbia x japonica, is a dwarf interesting hybrid involving Euphorbia susannae and Euphorbia bupleurifolia. It has a thickened root merging into a short caudex partly underground with several ananas-like branches arising from the crown. It shows intermediate characteristic from both the parents.
Roots: Strong napiform (turnip-like).
Branches: Spherical 2-5 cm long and 4 cm in diameter pine-cone-like with a geometrically-neat tubercled surface, the tubercles (tuberculiform corky scars occasioned by falling away of the old leaves) are prominent olive-green to dark reddish-brown up to 3 mm hight and crowded spiral series imbilicated in the centre giving a reticulate appearance to the surface. The crown is slightly depressed
Leaves: Deciduous borne in wet season and falling in the dry season, lanceolate, erecto-patent, willow -like, narrow or large, in dens tufts on the stems apex, 3-5 cm long by about 5-7 mm, not succulent, light green, making it look like a palm tree or a pineapple.
Leaves: Green leaves to 1 cm long in branch apices.
japonica나발용(螺髮龍)Euphorbia hypogaea cactus
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