독일붓꽃'블루 펄'-Iris Dutch Blue Pearl식물/들꽃-붓꽃과(Iridaceae) 2018. 3. 31. 06:27
독일붓꽃 '블루 펄'
Iris Dutch Blue Pearl
붓꽃,독일붓꽃이라 유통된다.
붓꽃[http://blog.daum.net/shinh-k791104/1988]은 아니고
구글 검색결과
Iris Dutch Blue Pearl, Iris hollandica 'Blue Magic', Iris hollandica Sapphire Beauty 이 3종 중 하나일 것으로 생각된다.
위 3종을 국표에서 검색하면 없다.
국표에는 아래 여섯 종이 [독일붓꽃]이라는 국명이 붙었다.
재배식물 정명 Iris 'Feed Back' 독일붓꽃 '피드 백' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Iris germanica 'Enchanted one' 독일붓꽃 '인챈티드 원' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Iris germanica 'Zebra' 독일붓꽃 '제브러' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Iris x germanica L. 독일붓꽃 2009/07/22 재배식물 정명 Iris 'Before The Storm' 독일붓꽃 '비포 더 스톰' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Iris 'Red At Night' 독일붓꽃 '레드 앳 나이트' 2011/12/08 Iris 'Feed Back' https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/
showimage/52791/Iris germanica 'Enchanted one'http://www.digthedirt.com/plants/
-oneIris germanica 'Zebra'http://www.digthedirt.com/plants/
17711-iris-iris-germanica-zebraIris x germanica L.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_
germanicaIris 'Before The Storm'https://www.gardenia.net/plant/iris
Before-The-Storm-bearded-irisIris 'Red At Night'https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/
showimage/137325/꽃색으로 보면Iris germanica 'Enchanted one' ,Iris 'Before The Storm' ,Iris 'Red At Night' ,Iris x germanica L. 은 많이 다르고Iris 'Feed Back'Iris germanica 'Zebra' 도 차이가 난다.Iris Dutch Blue Pearl, Iris hollandica 'Blue Magic', Iris hollandica Sapphire BeautyIris Dutch Blue Pearl=Iris Blue Pearl (Dutch Iris)
=Blue Pearl Dutch Iris=Dutch Iris 'Blue Pearl'=Iris x hollandicaBloom Color=Blue-Violet
Vibrant blue with signature yellow blotches on each petal.
Bloom Color=purple
'Blue Pearl' blooms are deep violet-bluewww.guide-to-houseplants.com/dutch-iris-bulbs.htmlIris hollandica 'Blue Magic'=Dutch Iris 'Blue Magic'=IRIS 'Blue Magic' Dutch Iris 'Blue Magic' features elegant and showy dark violet-purple flowers with bright yellow markings on their falls.
Bloom Color=Blue-Violethttps://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/75693/#b
Iris × hollandica has a bulb of about 10 centimetres (3.9 in) and can reach a height of about 60 centimetres (24 in). This bulbous iris has narrow linear green leaves and bears largish blue to yellow to white flowers. They do not have any fragrance. They mainly bloom in May–June in the northern hemisphere,and in September–October in the southern hemisphere.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_×_hollandicaIris hollandica Sapphire Beauty=Sapphire Beauty Dutch Iris=Iris x hollandica
Bloom Color=purple
Sapphire Beauty is the classic purple Dutch Iris with rosy tones in the petals. Brilliant yellow flame in the falls. (Iris hollandica)https://www.americanmeadows.com/flower-bulbs/iris-flower-bulbs/dutch-iris-bulbs-sapphire-beauty
Dutch Iris Sapphire Beauty has elegant classic purple flowers with dark yellow stripes on the petals.https://www.gardenexpress.com.au/product/dutch-iris-sapphire-beauty/'식물 > 들꽃-붓꽃과(Iridaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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