고려환식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2018. 3. 8. 22:00
Coryphantha palmeri Britton & Rose
Coryphantha compacta Britton & Rose
봉리환 속(鳳梨丸 屬) ☞ 향명 : 바늘방석(pincushion)
Coryphantha compacta[고려환(高麗丸)] →이명 : Coryphantha palmeri[천조환(千早丸), 개가환(凱歌丸)]
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus
Thelocactus species are globe-shaped, short and cylindrical. They are small cacti, although there are one or two species which, while only about 15 cm high, can be 25 cm in diameter; for example, T. nidulans. Thelocactus species are generally solitary, but some varieties will cluster in groups.
globe-shaped:둥근모양 cylindrical:원기둥 cacti:cactus의 복수(선인장) solitary:혼자의
The ribs on Thelocactus species are very clearly marked and are sometimes twisted in a spiral. There can be from 8 to 20 ribs, are rather low and normally marked with raised, angular or hexagonal tubercles. These tubercles can sometimes be difficult to distinguish. Areoles sit in a furrow directly above where the spines grow and there can be up to twenty radial/radiating spines. They are often needle-like, spread out and can be from 1.3 – 1.5 cm long. The central spines are mostly coarser, number up to six, stand vertically out from the plant and can be 2.5 – 7.5 cm long. Colours of all of the spines vary and include white, gray, golden-yellow and red-brown.
angular or hexagonal tubercles:모가 있거나 육각형의 혹
twenty radial/radiating spines:20여개의 방사성 가시
mostly coarser:거의 모두 굵다.
Thelocactus 속은 아니것 같다.
Gymnocalycium pflanzii v. albipulpa
Spines:Strong, bent, initially blackish with a brown base then becoming grey-pinkish with black point.
Radial spines: 7-9 (5), up to 25mm long.
Central spines: one or two central spines of the same length.->noGymnocalycium stellatum cv
Spines: 3-5 dark brown, becoming grey with age, spider-like, add-pressed, short, straight to slightly curved and flattened against the stem (rarely sticking out - easy cactus to handle)->no
Gymnocalycium sp.
Gymnocalycium, commonly called chin cactus, is a genus of about 70 South American species of cactus. The genus name Gymnocalycium (from Greek, "naked calyx") refers to the flower buds bearing no hair or spines.
Their main area of distribution is Argentina, part of Uruguay, Paraguay, southern Bolivia and part of Brazil. Most species are rather small varying from 4 to 15 centimetres in size. In cultivation they are popular for their easy flowering habits, and the flowers are generally brightly coloured. Where temperatures fall below 10 °C (50 °F) they must be cultivated under glass with heat.
chin cactus:중국선인장
naked calyx:
buds bearing no hair or spines.:
Coryphantha pychnacantha
Coryphantha elephantidens (Lemaire) Lemaire
Coryphantha (from Greek, "flowering on the top"), or beehive cactus, is a genus of small to middle-sized, globose or columnar cacti. The genus is native to arid parts of Central America, Mexico, through Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas and north into southwestern, central, and southeastern Montana. With its two subgenera, 57 species and 20 subspecies, it is one of the largest genera of cactus.
There are four characteristics that distinguish Coryphantha from other cacti.
- Their bodies do not have ribs, just tubercles.
- The flowers form at the top of the plant (the apex or growing end of the stem).
- The tip (podarium) of each flowering tubercle has three parts, the spiny areole, the groove and the axil. Without the groove it is not a Coryphantha.
- The seed coat (or testa) has a net-like pattern (reticulate).
- More than many other cacti, the Coryphantha change in their appearance over their lifespan. The presence or absence of a central spine is not indicative of the genus, even in fully adult plants.
- beehive cactus:벌집 모양 선인장
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coryphantha
Coryphantha palmeri
Central spines: one single, strong and hooked (but often wanting ).
Coryphantha compacta
Scientific Name: Coryphantha compacta (Engelmann) Britton & Rose
Synonym: Mammillaria compacta, Cactus compactus, Coryphantha palmeri'식물 > 들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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