비단잔디- Zoysia pacifica (Goudswaard) M.Hotta & Kuroki식물/들꽃-벼과(Poaceae) 2018. 2. 7. 16:02
과명 Gramineae (벼과) 속명 Zoysia (잔디속) 전체학명 [정명] Zoysia pacifica (Goudswaard) M.Hotta & Kuroki 추천명 비단잔디 이명 외국명 Mascarene Grass, Korean Velvet Grass,コウライシバ,금잔디 2018.01.07에는 Zoysia tenuifolia Willd. ex Trin.2023.07.29에는 [정명] Zoysia pacifica (Goudswaard) M.Hotta & KurokiZoysia tenuifolia Willd. ex Trin.in Mem.Acad.Sci. St.Petersb. ser.6,Sci. Nat. 2: 96. 1836; Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. 1:414. 1854; Honda in Journ. Fac. Sci. Univ. sect. lll,Bot. 3: 318.1930:Ohwi in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 55: 540. 1941;Hitchc., Man. Grass. Unit. Stat. 464, 979. 1935 et ed. 2, 485.980. 1950 in obs.;Bor, Grass. Burm. Ceyl. Ind. et Pakist. 684. 1960;华东禾本科植物志223. 图147. 1962;Ohwi, Fl. Jap. 178.1965;台湾的禾草453,图122.1975;台湾植物志5: 508.1978:江苏植物志 (上册):232,图147.1977.——Zoysia pungens (Willd.) var. tenuifolia (Willd.) Dur et Schinz. Consp. Fl. Afric. 5: 734.1894; Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 12: 228. 1898.——Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.var. tenuifolia (Willd.) Dur et Schinz. Makino, Illustr. Fl. Nipp. 831.1940.——Osterdamia tenuifolia (Wind.) O. Kuntze,Rev. Gen. Pl,2: 781.1891.——Osterdamia zoysia (Honda) var. tenuifolia (Willd.) Honda in Bot.Mag. Tokyo 36: 113. 1922.http://frps.eflora.cn/frps/Zoysia%20tenuifolia
- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 45: 71 (1994)
This name is a synonym of Zoysia matrella var. pacifica Goudsw. by Poaceae.
The record derives from WCSP which reports it as a synonym of Zoysia matrella var. pacifica Goudsw. (record 450662)
Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Zoysia pacifica (Goudsw.) M.Hotta & S.Kuroki. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000908063. Accessed on: 29 Jul 2023'General Information
Perennial, stoloniferous, forming a low dense sward. Culms 5–10 cm tall, much branched. Leaf sheaths glabrous, bearded at mouth with 2–5 mm hairs; leaf blades setaceous, soft, 4–6 cm, ca. 1 mm wide. Inflorescence linear, up to 1.5 cm; spikelets 6–12, loosely overlapping; rachis somewhat wavy; pedicels shorter than spikelet, up to 1.6 mm, scabrous, slightly widened at apex. Spikelets 2–3 × ca. 0.6 mm, straw colored tinged purplish; lower glume absent; upper glume lanceolate, shiny, obscurely 5-veined, apex subacute, sometimes with subapical awn-point; lemma slightly shorter than upper glume, 1-veined; palea absent. Anthers 0.6–0.8 mm. Fl. and fr. Aug–Dec. 2n = 40*.
- Provided by: [A].Flora of China @ efloras.org
Zoysia pacifica (Goudsw.) M.Hotta & S.Kuroki (worldfloraonline.org)
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