
  • 땅콩[정명] Arachis hypogaea L.
    식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2017. 12. 25. 19:00

    핀토 땅콩

    Arachis pintoi

    국표에는 땅콩속


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    땅콩 (Arachis hypogaea L.)


    핀토 땅콩은 없다.


    Arachis pintoi


    Arachis pintoi (Pinto peanut; Portuguese common name: Amendoim-forrageiro) is a forage plant native to Cerrado vegetation in Brazil. It is native to the valleys of the upper São Francisco and the Jequitinhonha rivers of Brazil. It has been named after the Brazilian botanist Geraldo Pinto, who first collected the plant at the locality of Boca do Córrego, município de Belmonte (State of Bahia) in 1954 and suggested its potential as a forage. The species has been first described by A. Krapovickas and W. Gregory in 1994.This wild perennial relative of the groundnut or peanut, has been of increasing importance to pasture improvement in the tropics. Its stoloniferous growth habit, subterranean seed production, high forage quality, and acceptability to grazing cattle are of particular value. It is widely used in tropical grazing systems for ruminant livestock.[1] The most common cultivar was first released in 1989 as cv. 'Amarillo' in Australia. Subsequently, it was released as cv. 'Mani Forrajero Perenne' in Colombia in 1992. It has been widely distributed in the tropics as accession CIAT 17434.


    General Information

    Herbs, annual, erect to decumbent. Stems erect or procum­bent, (6-)30-80 cm tall, yellowish pubescent, glabrescent. Stipules 2-4 cm, pilose. Leaves usually 4-foliolate; petiole 3.7-10 cm, covered with long flexuous trichomes, basally adnate to stipule; petiolules 1-10 mm, velutinous; leaflet blades ovate-oblong to obovate, 1.1-5.9 × 0.5-3.4 cm, papery, both surfaces with long trichomes, veins ca. 10 on each side of midvein, base almost rounded, margin ciliate, apex obtuse or emarginate and mucronate. Bracts lanceolate, apex acuminate. Flowers 8-10 mm, sessile; bracteoles lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, velutinous. Calyx tube 4-6 mm, thin. Corolla yellow to golden yellow; standard spreading, apex emarginate; wings distinct, oblong to obliquely ovate, slender; keels distinct, long ovate, shorter than wings, inflexed, apex acuminate to beaked. Ovary oblong; style longer than calyx; stigma terminal, small, sparsely pubescent. Legume geocarpic, oblong, inflated, 2-5 × 1-1.3 cm, thick-walled, retic­ulate veined, with 1-4(-6) seeds. Seeds light brown, oblong, 5-10 mm in diam. Fl. May-Aug, fr. Jul-Sep. 4n = 40.


    2004.08.17 싱가포르에서


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