
  • 동백나무 '아베마리아'
    식물/들꽃-차나무과(Theaceae) 2017. 11. 27. 09:12








    일본 어느 숙소에서

    수줍음같은 느낌!

    동정 시작

    국표에서 보니

    이명 포함 299종이나

    재배식물로 290종


    꽃의 모양으로 다섯 가지


    Flower form or style

    Camellia flower forms are quite varied but the main types are single, semi-double, formal double, informal double and elegans (or anemone) form.


    Single flowers have five to a maximum of eight petals in one row, petals loose, regular or irregular. May include petaloids; prominent display of stamens & pistils.


    'Ashiya'                'Kamo-honnnami'       'Sekidotaroan'          'Sekidotaroan'


    Two or more rows of large regular, irregular or loose outer petals (nine or more) with an uninterrupted cluster of stamens. May include petaloids; petals may overlap or be set in rows for 'hose in hose' effect.

    'C.M. Wilson'      'The Czar'            'Dr. Tinsley'           'Dr. Clifford Parks'



    'Mercury Supreme'   'Royal Velvet'            'Triphosa'     'Ville De Nantes'

    3.Irregular Semi-Double

    A semi-double with one or more petaloids interrupting the cluster of stamens.


    'Bob Hope'
    'Drama Girl'
    'Fred Sander' Unidentified cultivar


    4.Formal Double

    Many rows and number of petals (sometimes more than a hundred), regularly disposed, tiered or imbricated, but no visible stamens. Usually with a central cone of tightly furled petals.


    'Black Lace'
    'Duchesse de Berry'
    'White by the Gate'

    5.Elegans Form

    One or more rows of large outer petals lying flat or undulating, with a mass of intermingled petaloids and stamens in the center. Previously called "Anemone Form".


    'Bernhard Lauterbach'
    'Chandler's Elegance'


    6.Informal Double

    A mass of raised petals with petaloids (parts of the flower that have assumed the appearance of small, narrow or twisted petals). Stamens may or may not be visible. Previously called "Peony Form".


    'Ann Blair Brown Variegated'
    'Frankie Winn'
    'Nuccio's Jewel'


    이 중 3.Irregular Semi-Double,4.Formal Double 에 속한다.




    1.Camellia japonica 'ave maria'





    2.Camellia japonica 'Pearl Maxwell'






    3.Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection'





    4.Camellia japonica ‘Bonomiana’ ( Theaceae )





    5.C. japonica 'Usu Otome'





    6.Camellia japonica'Otome Tsubaki'





    7.camellia japonica 'pink perfection otome'





    대충 찾아 보았지만 이정도로 압축되는데


    이 중


    1.Camellia japonica 'ave maria'

    6.Camellia japonica'Otome Tsubaki'

    7.camellia japonica 'pink perfection otome'

    가장 가깝다고 보았다.


    Camellia japonica 'ave maria'

    This 10-yearold seedling of 'Paeoniaeflora' ('Aspasia Macarthur)' bloomed for the first time in the winter of 1953, was introduced in the fall of 1953, and registered with the American Camellia Society in 1956. It was originated by Caesar Breschini, San Jose, California, and propagated by the James Rare Plant Nursery of Campbell, California.

    Bloom: The small to medium (3"in diameter) formal double seedling is pale pink.  The color is a shade deeper than that of 'Pink Perfection' ('Otome'). Flower buds are round, green in color, and for the most part appear singly, and consequently debudding is not necessary. The number of petals average from 45 to 50.

    Plant: The habit of the slow growing plant resembles that of 'Debutante' with compact upright growth.

    Bloom season: Early. The plant starts to bloom a little earlier than 'Daikagura'. Flowers from November through March.

    정말 어렵다.





    과명 Theaceae (차나무과) 속명 Camellia (동백나무속)
    전체학명 Camellia japonica 'Ave Maria' 추천명

    동백나무'아베 마리아' 

    이명   외국명 camellia 'Ave Maria'

































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