
  • 에케베리아 '탑시 터비'-특엽옥접
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 11. 16. 13:02

    에케베리아 '탑시 터비'-특엽옥접

    에케베리아 런요니 '탑시 터비'


    국표에는 없다.


    런요니 중에서 아주 규칙적인 모양으로 변형된 잎을 가진 자생적 변이종으로 마이런 킴낙이 명명하였다. 유통명은 ‘특엽옥접’을 사용하기도 한다. 성장하는 도중에 변이가 풀리거나 불규칙하게 성장하는 경우가 거의 없다. 대부분은 단독으로 자라며, 로제트는 약 18cm까지 커지는데, 줄기는 거의 없고 나이가 들면 자구가 드물게 나와 느슨한 군생을 이룬다. 비료를 주지 않을 때 외관이 가장 좋다.케베리아 원예종, 2010. 7. 5., 푸른길)



    Origin: This cultivar is a mutation originated in cultivation in California. The standard Echeveria runyonii is found natively in Mexico

    Common English Names include:  Mexican hens and chicks plant.


    There is also a crested form which is Echeveria runyonii cv. "Topsy-turvy" f. cristata which can be reproduced only vegetatively. only a fragment of the crested shoot is is used for reproduction because leaves and normal shoots (non-crested) do not produce the crested trait.

    NOTE: Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' is one of the true monstrous forms of Echeveria that 'breeds true' and won't revert back to it's natural form.
    Description: This is an interesting leaf form of Echeveria runyonii, which is a pale blue to white-blue leaf Echeveria with normal shaped leaves. However, this 'Topsy Turvy' form is much more popular, so the 'regular' form is quite rare in cultivation. It is a profuse offesetter and can create large mounds of densely crowded plants up to 20 x 35 cm (height by width). Parent plants can get up to 25 cm across, but rarely do the offsets
    Rosettes: Open and relatively untidy. The leaves are too narrow to form the perfect rosette usually expected in this genus.
    Leaves: Up to 7,5 cm long by 2.5 cm across. Blue-green to silvery-grey often with pink tips, spatulate, strongly inversely keeled on the lower surface with leaf tips pointing inwards towards the center of the plant. This leaves are some of the most unique curling and twisting leaves among the Echeverias, looking as if they are turned inside out.
    Flowers: Showy bright orange, apricot and pink on tall arching racemes
    Blooming season: Usually in late Summer Autumn.













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