
  • 애성
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 11. 14. 14:32


    애성 Crassula brevifolia

    국표에는 없다.

    Crassula brevifolia Harv.Fl. Cap. (Harvey) 2: 339

    Origin and Habitat: Crassula brevifolia is found from south-western Namibia through Namaqualand to Vanrhynsdorp (Northern Cape, Western Cape, South Africa).


    Description: Crassula brevifolia is a much-branched shrublet 30-50 cm tall, with woody stems and old leaves deciduous. Two subspecies are recognized, the nominate form and the smaller Crassula brevifolia subs. psammophila.
    Stems: Stems subdichotomously branched. Branches green, round, 6 mm in diameter with intemodes visible between the leaves, Older branches woody, with reddish-brown flaking bark.
    Roots. Fibrous.
    Leaves: Very fleshy, connato-perfoliate, almost triangular and flattened in section, variable in shape, elliptic to linear-elliptic, (10-)20-35(-50) mm long, (2-)4-6(-18) mm wide and about as thick as broad, curved upwards abruptly constricted into to a blunt tip, spreading and bent upwards, glabrous, green often with a grey bloom, changing to yellow, red or purple, upper face flat to convex, lower face convex or keeled, tip acute, hydathodes on upper surface and margins. Margins horny at edge. Old leaves deciduous.
    Inflorescences: Terminal, rounded or domed, laxly few-flowered thyrses, the foliage usually passing gradually into bracts. Peduncle (3-)10-50(-80) mm long.
    Flowers: Lemon-yellow, rarely white, with a papillose ovary, and a pronounced, not at all pleasant honey-smell. Sepals (calyx lobes), connate, triangular, 0,7-1.5 mm long, rather thin, obtuse, ridged, somewhat fleshy, glabrous, green tinged red. Corolla tubular, fused basally for 0,6-1,2 mm, white to reddish tinged. Petals oblong-elliptic 3-4(-5) mm long, creamy-white or yellowish, rounded, erect or even strongly recurved at the tip, with or without a small mucro behind the apex. Stamens 2.5-4 mm long, attached to the short corolla-tube, about three-fourths the length of the petals Filaments white, subulate, anthers ovate, pollen black or yellow. Carpels greenish, about the length of the stamens, ovaries gradually passing into the short, slightly recurved styles, minutely scabrous all over and minutely ciliate along inner margin. Styles one third length of ovary. Squamae oblong to square, 0,6-0,8 x 0,5-0,9 mm, truncate, rarely emarginate, somewhat constricted downwards, fleshy, yellow to bright orange.
    Blooming season: Autumn (March to April).

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