레브티아 일출식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2017. 11. 12. 16:25
레브티아 일출
Rebutia cv. sunrise
Synonyms Rebutia heliosa cv. sunrise
Description: Rebutia cv. sunrise is a popular variety obtained by hybridization, specifically between Rebutia heliosa and Rebutia pulvinosa ssp. albiflora (syn: Aylostera albiflora). This cross resulted in a plant more vigorous than their parents, with stem tightly covered by appressed spines reminding of R. heliosa and lovely fresh pinky white flowers in masse that clearly are a feature inherited from R. pulvinosa ssp. albiflora. This is a really nice cultivar which is just stunning each year, a must for any collection.
Stems: Fattened, globular, light-green, up to 3 cm diameter and branching profusely from near the base.
Flowers: Funnel shaped ca. 3 cm in diameter often larger than the stems. Petals pink outside, pale yellow-orange inside (although at first glance they give the impression of having a creamy hue), so throughout the day, depending on the degree of opening of the flowers, the petals change the colour we perceive according to the intensity of light they receive. Flowers emerge from the base of the plant between the parent and offspring, resulting in a superb display in mid season.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/30873/Rebutia_cv._sunrise
국표에는 Rebutia (레부티아속) 한 종 [보산선인장]이다.국표에는 없다.REBUTIA HELIOSA (OR REBUTIA ALBIFLORA x HELIOSA)'식물 > 들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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