에우포르비아 마밀라리스-백화기린식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2017. 10. 28. 13:29
에우포르비아 마밀라리스-백화기린
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소개되는 학명: Euphorbia mammillaris cv. variegata은 국표에 없다.
재배식물 정명 Euphorbia mammillaris L. 에우포르비아 마밀라리스 2011/12/08 이것만국표에 Euphorbia mammillaris L.[에우포르비아 마밀라리스] 이것과도 구분을 못하겠다.Euphorbiaceae (대극과) 속명 Euphorbia (대극속) 전체학명 Euphorbia mammillaris cv. variegata 추천명 에우포르비아 마밀라리스 이명 외국명 Description: It is a short stemmed dioecious shrublet producing a dense cluster.
Stem: Thick deep green, erect, simple and ribbed, that in cultivated plants may branch above, 1,5-6 cm in diameter, Mature Height 20-35 cm tall. Usually there are many club-like lateral branches, starting about 10 cm and arches upward.
Ribs: 7-17, with hexagonal crowded tubercles set in vertical rows after the manner of an ear of corn and separated by horizontal grooves.
Spines: Occasionally present and scattered, thick, blunt and whitish, up to 1 cm long. The “spines” are the solitary sterile peduncles.
Leaves: Small, ephemeral.
Flower: It produces yellow solitary cyathia at the tip of each stem. Peduncle ± 2 mm long with several bracts up to 3 mm long. Nectar glands elliptic, separate, yellow-green to purplish.
Blooming season: Late winter to early summer.
Fruits: Obtusely lobed, up to 6 mm in diameter, subsessile.
Seeds: Ovoid, 3x2 mm, smooth.
Forma variegata: The attractive variegated form is easily recognized for its stem which is subtle-cream to frosty greenish-white coloured and splashed with emerald green. In cold temperatures, stems become blushed with delicate rose. Flowers are red and orange.Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia mammillaris group
Euphorbia mammillaris L.: Short stemmed shrublet producing a dense clustered mound. The stems have squarish or hexagonal tubercles in rows resembling "corn cobs"
Euphorbia mammillaris f. variegata: Very popular variegated form with with pale stems stripped in cremy-white and emerald green that turn pink in full sun during the winter .
http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Euphorbiaceae/12593/Euphorbia_mammillaris_f._variegata'식물 > 들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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