살비아'텍사스웨딩'-Salvia greggii 'Texas Wedding'식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2017. 10. 26. 19:32
Salvia greggii 'Texas Wedding'
국표에는 없다.
과명 Labiatae(꿀풀과) 속명 Salvia (배암차즈기속) 전체학명
Salvia greggii 'Texas
Wedding'추천명 살비아'텍사스웨딩' 이명 외국명 (Texas Wedding White Autumn Sage) This is our best white-flowered Autumn Sage. It is compact, hardy and blooms abundantly. We love it as a contrast to the generally bright colors of its group. Texas Wedding seems to always be blooming, with massive displays in spring and fall.
The flowers are small but so profuse that they seem to outnumber the leaves.
This variety of Salvia greggii makes a great, small-scale groundcover when each plant is spaced two feet apart. Although it tolerates some shade -- especially in hot climates -- it needs full sun. Good drainage is another necessity, but it doesn't require much watering.
Common name :Texas Wedding White Autumn Sage
http://www.fbts.com/salvia-greggii-texas-wedding.html'식물 > 들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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