아프리카봉선화-'나의 사랑은 당신보다 깊다'식물/들꽃-봉선화과(Balsaminaceae) 2017. 9. 10. 18:00
과명 Balsaminaceae (봉선화과) 속명 Impatiens (물봉선속) 전체학명 Impatiens walleriana Hook. f. 추천명 아프리카봉선화 이명 아프리칸봉선화,임파치엔스 외국명 Busy Lizzy,Patience plant,Sultana 꽃말은 '나의 사랑은 당신보다 깊다'입니다.
Impatiens walleriana (syn. Impatiens sultanii), also known as busy Lizzie (United Kingdom), balsam, sultana, or simply impatiens, is a species of the genus Impatiens, native to eastern Africa from Kenya to Mozambique. It is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant growing to 15–60 cm (6–24 in) tall, with broad lanceolate leaves 3–12 cm long and 2–5 cm broad. Leaves are mostly alternate, although they may be opposite near the top of the plant. The flowers are profusely borne, 2–5 cm diameter, with five petals and a 1 cm spur. The seedpod explodes when ripe in the same manner as other Impatiens species, an evolutionary adaptation for seed dispersal. The stems are semi-succulent, and all parts of the plant (leaves, stems, flowers, roots) are soft and easily damaged.
color: red, crimson-red, pink, purple-red, purplish violet, or white.
*아프리카봉숭아 - 잎이 난형이고 가장자리에 뭉툭한 톱니가 있다.->Impatiens walleriana Hook. f.
Impatiens walleriana (syn. Impatiens sultanii), also known as busy Lizzie (British Isles), balsam, sultana, or simply impatiens, is a species of the genus Impatiens, native to eastern Africa from Kenya to Mozambique. It is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant growing to 15–60 cm (6–24 in) tall, with broad lanceolate leaves 3–12 cm long and 2–5 cm broad. Leaves are mostly alternate, although they may be opposite near the top of the plant. The flowers are profusely borne, 2–5 cm diameter, with five petals and a 1 cm spur. The seedpod explodes when ripe in the same manner as other Impatiens species, an evolutionary adaptation for seed dispersal. The stems are semi-succulent, and all parts of the plant (leaves, stems, flowers, roots) are soft and easily damaged.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impatiens_walleriana*뉴기니아봉숭아 - 잎이 긴 피침형이고 가장자리에 뾰족한 톱니가 있다.->Impatiens hybrid 'New Guinea'
Colorful and heat-tolerant, New Guinea Impatiens can be distinguished from common garden impatiens by their larger flowers, lance-shaped often beautifully colored leaves and bushy upright or vase-shaped habit.
The New Guinea hybrids are combined crosses between several parent species to include Impatiens hawkeri, I. schlechteri and I. platypetala. This suite of tropical perennials were collected from the island of Papua New Guinea, which is northeast of Australia.http://www.learn2grow.com/plants/impatiens-new-guinea-hybrid/구분하기가 어렵구나
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