클레마티스 '캐슬린 던퍼드'식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2017. 7. 31. 18:07
클레마티스 '캐슬린 던퍼드'
과명 Ranunculaceae (미나리아재비과) 속명 Clematis (으아리속) 전체학명 Clematis 'Kathleen Dunford' 추 천명 클레마티스 '캐슬린 던퍼드' 이명 '캐슬린 던퍼드' 외국명 Clematis 'Kathleen Dunford' Clematis Kathleen Dunford is offered in a full gallon size with free shipping! It yields rosy pink, double flowers on the previous season's old wood in late spring to early summer. As the flowers mature, petals become a blend of mauve and pinkish blue. Single-layered flowers bloom in early fall on new growth. Originally from the UK, Clematis Kathleen Dunford is sure to charm any gardener!
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