세토사 에케베리아-륜대리식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 5. 30. 19:59
륜대리,룬대리로 상품화된 것
재배식물 정명 Echeveria purpusorum A.Berger 푸르푸소룸에케베리아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Echeveria pulvinata Rose ex Hook. f. 풀비나타에케베리아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Echeveria derenbergii J.A.Purpus 데렌베르기에케베리아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Echeveria harmsii J.F.Macbr. 하름시에케베리아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Echeveria elegans Rose 엘레강스에케베리아 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Echeveria laui Moran & J.Meyran 라우이에케베리아 2011/12/08 국표에는 에케베리아속이 6종이 있으나
Echeveria setosa var. deminuta
Echeveria setosa var. deminuta
Echeveria rondelii Sterk
This plant has been in cultivation for some time as “E. rundelii”, or “E. tundelii”, popular also as "Firecracker Plant” it quickly attract the attention of visitors. When a mature clump of perhaps a dozen or more rosettes has formed, the sight of it in bloom easily elicits thoughts of fireworks.
Origin and Habitat: Southern Mexico, mountains of Oaxaca and Puebla.
ENGLISH: Mexican Firecracker, Hens and Chicks, Firecracker Plan
Description: Echeveria setosa is a very distinct echeveria, with a remarkable pubescence. It is very variable with many variety and cultivars - often quite different at a first glance - available in cultivation.
var. deminuta: This variety has tiny, blue, clubshaped leaves with only a tuft of bristles at the ends, the rosettes are no bigger than about 3 cm. It form dense many headed clusters. This plant has been in cultivation for some time as “Echeveria rundelii”
Habit: It is a low rosette forming succulent, freely giving off offsets from the base and readily forming dense mounds.Stem: Almost stemless.
Leaves: Small, densely packed spatulate-shaped, convex on both sides, narrow, glaucous that in the winter assumes a green-red colouring, almost glabrous with a tuft of glistening hairs at tips.
Flowers: The flowers are the most distinctive and recognisable feature of this species, they are displayed in erect, arched helicoid cymes from each rosette that reach from about 15 cm to 20 cm tall, each with about 6 to 9 florets. In larger groups of rosettes, often of the inflorescences are branched. The flowers are red and yellow simple or 2 branched second cincinni. The corolla campanulate or ovoid urceolate, prominently pentagonal.
Blooming season: Spring and early summer.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Crassulaceae/12355/Echeveria_setosa_var._deminuta
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