돌나물과 Crassula (크라술라속)으로는 이명 정명 포함 22종이 있으나
CRASSULA lanuginosa Harv. 이 학명으로는 국표에 없다.
CRASSULA lanuginosa Harv.
herbaceous, diffuse, branching, clothed with short, patent, white pubescence; leaf-pairs lax; leaves sub-distinct, short, ovato-lanceolate or ovate, acute, sub-oblique, spreading; cymes terminal, subsessile, few flowered, forked; flowers pedicellate; calyx-lobes lanceolate, acute, strigose; petals one-third longer than the calyx, connate at base, oblong, contracted at the sides; stigma subsessile. A small, branching, weak-stemmed plant, 3–6 inches long, everywhere equally albo-pubescent. Leaves 3–4 lines long, 1–2 lines wide, when dry somewhat cultriform. Peduncle very short, once or twice forking or unilaterally cymose; the cyme 6–12-flowered. Flowers 1 line long,
SOUTH AFRICA Gaatje, near the Stormberg, 5000f. and Nieuwe Hantam, 4500–5000f. Drege! (Herb. Sd., Hk., Bth.)