
  • 에마르기나타칼리안드라
    식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2017. 5. 15. 15:39








    과명 Leguminosae (콩과) 속명 Calliandra (칼리안드라속)
    전체학명 Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata (Willd.) Barneby 추천명 에마르기나타칼리안드라


    이명   외국명



    Plant Morphology :
    Growth Form: Leguminous, erect, woody shrub or small tree with graceful tiers of horizontal branches. Can be pruned and grown as bushy shrub.
    Foliage: Leaves compound, opposite, leaflets shaped like kidneys or lungs, light to medium green, with 3 leaflets (2 paired terminal ones, 1 lone and smaller) per petiole. Young leaves orangey, maturing to green. Leaflets and petiole somewhat velvety due to fine surface hairs. Leaves droop and fold up at night.
    Flowers: Globular Mimosa-like powderpuff inflorescence, 2.5 to 6 cm across, with numerous red or pinkish-red filamentous stamens, lasting 2-3 days before wilting. Unopened flowers buds resemble a bunch of red berries. Free-flowering, providing nectar for hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies like Parthenos sylvia (Malaysian Blue Clipper).
    Fruits: Flattened dehiscent seedpods. ripening from green to brown, with thickened margin, before splitting open explosively from tip to base, twisting back in a double curve to eject seeds several meters away.
    [Others]: Similar:: Inflorescences resemble those of Calliandra haematocephala's, but latter species has 6-10 pairs of smaller leaflets instead.









































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