들물망초<-아르벤시스물망초-Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill식물/들꽃-지치과(Boraginaceae) 2017. 4. 19. 19:38
과명 Boraginaceae (지치과) 속명 Myosotis (개꽃마리속) 전체학명 Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill 추천명 들물망초 이명 외국명 추천명변경: 아르벤시스물망초 -> 들물망초
Myosotis arvensis or field forget-me-not is a herbaceous annual to short lived perennial flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae.
Stace describes this plant as having the following characteristics:
- Upright, to 40 cm; softly hairy, with hairs at more-or-less right-angles to the stem.
- Flowers grey-blue, 3-5mm across, saucer shaped in profile; sepal tube with hooked hairs; April–October.
- Mature fruit dark brown, shiny.
- Mature calyx on spreading stalks longer than sepal tube; calyx teeth conceal the ripe fruit.
- Basal leaves stalked, in a rosette; upper leaves not stalked.
- Generally found on open, well drained ground; common throughout the British Isles.
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