코찰식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2017. 4. 15. 16:38
Origin and Habitat: The cactus is endemic to the Baja California peninsula of Mexico.
Habitat and ecology: It grows on hillsides on almost the whole length of the peninsula, where it is locally common on hillsides and mesas, but in the northern half it is confined to the eastern Pacific slopes where it receives winter rain, while in the southern half it is found on the western side, with summer rains. The tiny greenish-white flowers attract insects and birds, especially hummingbirds, as pollinators.Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Candelabra Cactus
SPANISH (Español): CochalDescription: It is a large sprawling shrub or small tree with many compact, candelabra-like branches from a short woody trunk, 1,5-4 m in diameter and 1-4 metres tall. It is occasionally grown in pots but is less common in cultivation than the very similar but more frost-tolerant Myrtillocactus geometrizans. It lives only a few decades.
Stem: Trunk short, woody up to 30(-40) cm in diameter. The branches are slender, all nearly uniform in size up to 9 cm in diameter, erect or recurved inward in graceful arcs toward the centre of the plant, generally bluish-green in colour and have 6-8 obtuse ribs separated by shallow intervals.
Areoles: 1-3 cm apartCentral spine: 0 to 1 longer greyish to black up to 2 cm long.
Radial spines: 5, shorter of the same colour 5-15 mm long.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/7812/Myrtillocactus_cochal[코찰]이라는 이름으로 [escontria chiotilla]를 학명으로 소개했다.
국가표준식물목록국명으로도 학명으로도 없다.
학명은 같은데 국명은 달리 표기 실수.
선인장과 54속 191종으로 국표에는
escontria속이 없다.♠ 북미 큰 기둥선인장류[Pachycereeae] -수목주(樹木柱, Dendrocereus)속, 2종 Dendrocereus nudiflorus[수목주(樹木柱)]
Dendrocereus undulosus [운둘로수스]♠ 북미 큰 기둥선인장류[Pachycereeae] 백염주 속(白焰柱 屬) [Genus Escontria, 1종] - [통합된 속명] Anisocereus[인화주(鱗花柱 屬)]
♠ 북미 큰 기둥선인장류[Pachycereeae] - Isolatocereus속, 1종 ♠ 북미 큰 기둥선인장류[Pachycereeae] xMyrtgerocactus 1종 Myrtgerocactus lindsayi [린드사이]
http://cafe.daum.net/gilo2000/DYRw/355?q=escontria%20chiotilla[통합된 속명] Anisocereus[인화주(鱗花柱 屬)] 도 국표에는 없다.
Myrtillocactus cochal [코칼]의 잘못인가?
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'식물 > 들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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