홍자단-[정명] Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne.식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2016. 11. 14. 10:07
과명 Rosaceae (장미과) 속명 Cotoneaster (개야광나무속) 전체학명 [정명]Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne. 추천명
홍자단이명 외국명 Cotoneaster Rock 상세내용 국표:http://www.nature.go.kr/kbi/plant/pilbk/selectPlantPilbkDtl.do#dtlInfoCotoneaster horizontalis is a species of flowering plant in the genus Cotoneaster of the family Rosaceae, native to western China. It is a short shrub with a spreading habit, growing to 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) tall by 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) wide. It is cultivated for its flat, symmetrical sprays of glossy green, deciduous leaves and masses of bright red berries (pomes) in autumn, persisting into winter. The flowers appear in summer, and can range from pink to white. It is commonly grown in parks and gardens in temperate regions as hedging or groundcover.
C. horizontalis has naturalised in parts of the United Kingdom, and may be becoming invasive.
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