동아-[정명] Benincasa cerifera (Thunb.) Cogn.식물/들꽃-박과(Cucurbitaceae) 2016. 10. 22. 19:24
과명 Cucurbitaceae (박과) 속명 Benincasa (동아속) 전체학명 [정명] Benincasa cerifera (Thunb.) Cogn. 추천명 동아 이명 동과,동박(중) 외국명 한국민족문화대백과사전에는 동과·동화라고도 한다. 학명은 Benincasa hispida THUNB.이다.
국표에는 Benincasa cerifera Savi
학명이 다르다.
국표가 맞겠지.
이것은 이명으로 처리"Kundol" redirects here. For the lake, see Kundol Lake. For the character named "winter melon", see Plants vs. Zombies.The winter melon, also called ash gourd, white gourd, winter gourd, tallow gourd Chinese preserving melon is a vine grown for its very large fruit, eaten as a vegetable when mature.
It is the only member of the genus Benincasa. The fruit is fuzzy when young. The immature melon has thick white flesh that is sweet when eaten. By maturity, the fruit loses its hairs and develops a waxy coating, giving rise to the name wax gourd, and providing a long shelf life. The melon may grow as large as 80 cm in length. Although the fruit is referred to as a "melon," the fully grown crop is not sweet. Native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, the winter melon is widely grown throughout Asia.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_melon에서는 It is the only member of the genus Benincasa.이렇게
아참 어렵다.
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