아크레세덤식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2016. 10. 17. 08:59
과명 Crassulaceae (돌나물과) 속명 Sedum (돌나물속)
Sedum acre L.
이명 외국명 Stone crop,Wall pepper,Golden carpet,Moss Golden
Sedum acre, commonly known as the goldmoss stonecrop, mossy stonecrop,goldmoss sedum, biting stonecrop, and wallpepper, is a perennial flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae. It is native to Europe, but also naturalised in North America, Japan and New Zealand.
Biting stonecrop is a tufted perennial herb that forms mat-like stands some 5 to 12 cm (2 to 5 in) tall. Much of the year the stems are short, semi prostrate and densely clad in leaves. At the flowering time in June and July, the stems lengthen and are erect, somewhat limp and often pinkish-brown with the leaves further apart. The leaves are alternate, fleshy and shortly cylindrical with a rounded tip. They are also sometimes tinged with red. The starry flowers form a three to six-flowered cyme. The calyx has five fleshy sepals fused at the base, the corolla consists of five regular bright yellow petals, there are ten stamens, a separate gynoecium and five pistils. The fruit is five united, many-seeded follicles. The leaves contain an acrid fluid that can cause skin rashes.
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