
  • 아쿠미나타플루메리아
    식물/들꽃-협죽도과(Apocynaceae) 2016. 9. 29. 12:15






    과명 Apocynaceae (협죽도과) 속명 Plumeria (플루메리아속)
    Plumeria acuminata Ait.


    이명   외국명  


    17C 캐리비안 지역을 여행하던 프랑스 식물학자'Charles Plumier'의 이름을 따서 푸르메리아(Plumeria)라고 지어졌다고


    종분류 구분 학명 국명 최종수정일
    재배식물 정명 Plumeria acuminata Ait. 아쿠미나타플루메리아 2011/12/08
    재배식물 정명 Plumeria rubra L. 루브라플루메리아 2011/12/08

    국표에는 두 종

    구분이 어렵다.


    Plumeria acuminata Ait.




    Native to Mexico; cultivated in Indian gardens.


    Pagoda tree.


    Root bark—used in herpes, sexually transmitted diseases. Bark—stimulant, emmenagogue. Root—violent cathartic. Latex—purgative, rubefacient.

    Iridoids are present in the leaf, stem, flower and root. Plumieride glucoside has been isolated from all parts of the plant. The plumeric acid, isolated from leaves, exhibits promising cytotoxic activity.

    Fulvoplumierin (a pigment) inhibits the growth of various strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.



        Plumeria rubra L.


    Plumeria rubra is a deciduous plant species belonging to the genus Plumeria. Originally native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, it has been widely cultivated in subtropical and tropical climates worldwide and is a popular garden and park plant, as well as being used in temples and cemeteries. It grows as a spreading tree to 7–8 m (23–26 ft) high and wide, and is flushed with fragrant flowers of shades of pink, white and yellow over the summer and autumn. Its common names include frangipani, red paucipan, red-jasmine, red frangipani, common frangipani, temple tree,or simply plumeria.


    Plumeria rubra grows as a spreading shrub or small tree to a height of 2–8 m (5–25 ft) and similar width. It has a thick succulent trunk and sausage-like blunt branches covered with a thin grey bark. The branches are somewhat brittle and when broken, ooze a white latex that can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. The large green leaves can reach 30 to 50 cm (12 to 20 in) long and are arranged alternately and clustered at the end of the branches. They are deciduous, falling in the cooler months of the year. The flowers are terminal, appearing at the ends of branches over the summer. Often profuse and very prominent, they are strongly fragrant, and have five petals. The colours range from the common pink to white with shades of yellow in the centre of the flower. Initially tubular before opening out, the flowers are 5–7.5 cm (2–3 in) in diameter, and only rarely go on to produce seed - 20-60 winged seeds are contained in a 17.5 cm (7 in) pod.

    Some forms in cultivation are hybrids between this species and Plumeria obtusa; these have rounded rather than pointed leaves and are less likely to be deciduous. The white and yellow cultivar "Singapore" flowers all year round in Hawaii.


    In Mexico the common name is Cacaloxochitl or Suchitl. The name comes from nahuatl and means Crow's flower. The common name in Australia is 'frangipani', although 'plumeria' is used in the United States. Other common names are 'red frangipani', 'common frangipani', 'temple tree', or simply 'plumeria'. The term melia is a Hawaiian one. The common name 'frangipani' comes from an Italian noblefamily, a sixteenth-century marquess of which invented a plumeria-scented perfume. In the Cook Islands, it is known as Tipani. It is grown extensively in southern and western parts of India, where it is named champa or a derivative thereof such as chaaphaa, champige etc. In Cambodia it is given the names châmpéi krahâ:m (also romanised as krahom, meaning 'red'), or châmpéi slük sruëch, while the French terms for the species is frangipanier à fleurs rouges




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    [출처] 화와이♡1: 플루메리아, 알로하|작성자 병아리반지호지우엄마




























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