칵테일장미식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2016. 8. 30. 11:43
과명 Rosaceae (장미과) 속명 Rosa (장미속) 전체학명 Rosa 'Cocktail' 추천명 각테일장미 이명 외국명 Rosa 'Cocktail' (Shrub Rose) - Flowering continuously through summer, this bright rose has clusters of single golden-eyed cherry-red flowers that age so the red intensifies and the yellow fades to cream. The character of the plant is that of an upright shrub, 6 feet tall by 4 ft. wide, with thorny stems and numerous green, deeply serrated leaves. It can be used as a hedging rose or can also be used as a stiff climber growing to 8 ft. or more supported by a fence or other plants. This tough disease resistant rose was once more common in gardens and is ready to make a comeback. A great old rose but we finally have moved on and no longer sell it. This description is based on research and observations of this plant as it grows in our nursery, in our nursery garden and in other gardens that we visit. We also incorporate comments received and appreciate getting feedback of any kind from those who have any additional information about this plant, particularly if they disagree with what we have written or if they have additional cultural tips that would aid others in growing Rosa 'Cocktail'.
학명과 국명이 국표에는 없다.'식물 > 들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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