
  • 무랄리스킴발라리아
    식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2016. 5. 26. 12:45










    Scrophulariaceae (현삼과)


    속명 Cymbalaria (킴발라리아속)


    Cymbalaria muralis G. Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.





    외국명 PennywortKenilworth ivy; Coliseum ivy; Penny-wort; Ivy-leaved toad flax






    북해도 여행 중 오타루 운하를 보러갔다.5월15일 오후

    무슨 꽃이지 ? 처음 보는데 너무 멀어서








    사진을 확대해 보니 더 궁금해진다. 할수 없지


    운하를 따라서 좀 걷다보니 운하 둑에도 그 와 같은 꽃이 있다.








    병꽃종류라는 것만 ........ 이름은 모르겠고

    5월 17일 돌아와서 이름을 찾아보기로


    무늬긴병꽃풀을 검색


    1.Glechoma (긴병꽃풀속)

    2.Glechoma hederacea 'Variegata'

    3.영문명:Ground ivy; Alehoof; Field balm; Fill-over-the-ground; Runaway robin


    참고 : http://blog.daum.net/shinh-k791104/4372










    Glechoma (긴병꽃풀속)을 구글에서 검색




    Glechoma hederacea (syn. Nepeta glechoma Benth., Nepeta hederacea (L.) Trevir.) is an aromatic, perennial, evergreen creeper of the mint family Lamiaceae. It is commonly known as ground-ivy, gill-over-the-ground, creeping charlie, alehoof, tunhoof, catsfoot, field balm, and run-away-robin. It is also sometimes known as creeping jenny, but that name more commonly refers to Lysimachia nummularia. It has numerous medicinal uses, and is used as a salad green in many countries. European settlers carried it around the world, and it has become a well-established introduced and naturalized plant in a wide variety of localities.


    Glechoma hederacea를 검색하면

    두번째로 검색되는 것
    Ivy, Ground

    Botanical: Glechoma Hederacea (LINN.)
    Family: N.O. Labiatae


    ---Synonyms---Nepeta Glechoma (Benth.). Alehoof. Gill-go-over-the-Ground. Haymaids. Tun-hoof. Hedgemaids. Lizzy-run-up-the-Hedge. Gill-go-by-the-Hedge. Catsfoot. Robin-run-in-the-Hedge.
    ---Part Used---Herb.


    ---Description---Ground Ivy is one of the commonest plants, flourishing upon sunny hedge banks and waste ground in all parts of Great Britain. The root is perennial, throwing out long, trailing, unbranched square stems, which root at intervals and bear numerous, kidney-shaped leaves of a dark green tint, somewhat downy with manycelled hairs, and having regular, rounded indentations on the margins. The leaves are stalked and opposite to one another, the undersides paler and dotted with glands.

    The flowers are placed three or four together in the axils of the upper leaves, which often have a purplish tint and are two-lipped, of a bright purplish blue, with small white spots on the lower lip, or more rarely white or pink and open early in April. The plant continues in blossom through the greater part of the summer and autumn.

    Its popular name is attributed to the resemblance borne by its foliage to that of the true Ivy.

    It varies in size, as well as the degree of colour in the flower, according to its situation and remains green not only in summer, but, like the true Ivy, at all times of the year, even throughout winter, unless the frost is very severe.

    Green (Universal Herbal, 1832) tells us that Ground Ivy expels the plants which grow near it, and in consequence impoverishes pastures. Cattle seem in general to avoid it, though Linnaeus says that sheep eat it; horses are not fond of it, and goats and swine refuse it. It is thought to be injurious to those horses that eat much of it, though the expressed juice, mixed with a little wine and applied morning and evening, has been said to destroy the white specks which frequently form on their eyes.

    The whole plant possesses a balsamic odour and an aromatic, bitter taste, due to its particular volatile oil, contained in the glands on the under surface of the leaves. It was one of the principal plants used by the early Saxons to clarify their beers, before hops had been introduced, the leaves being steeped in the hot liquor. Hence the names it has also borne; Alehoof and Tunhoof. It not only improved the flavour and keeping qualities of the beer, but rendered it clearer. Until the reign of Henry VIII it was in general use for this purpose.

    The plant also acquired the name of Gill from the French guiller (to ferment beer), but as Gill also meant 'a girl,' it came also to be called 'Hedgemaids.'

    Some hairy tumours may often be seen in the autumn on the leaves of Ground Ivy, caused by the puncture of the Cynips glechomae, from which these galls spring. They have a strong flavour of the plant and are sometimes eaten by the peasantry of France.



    세번째로 검색되는 것


           Other Common Names:  creeping charlie          

    Glechoma hederacea 는 [Nepeta Glechoma (Benth.).][Nepeta hederacea (L.)]과 학명으로 같이 쓰고
    Common Names으로서는 Ground Ivy와 creeping charlie 가 같이 쓰이고 있다.
    http://www.nature.go.kr/kpni/index.do에서 검색하면

    Glechoma hederacea var. longituba Nakai

    Glechoma hederacea subsp. grandis (A.Gray) Hara

    Glechoma hederacea var. grandis (A.Gray) Kudo

    Glechoma hederacea 'Variegata'

    Nepeta glechoma var. grandis A.Gray



    다섯개가 있으나 다 긴병꽃풀의 이명으로
    Glechoma hederacea는

















    이 이미지를











    긴병꽃풀로 동정을 하지만 잎모양에서 차이가 크다.






























































    오타루 운하에서

    Cymbalaria muralis G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.-무랄리스킴발라리아-PennywortKenilworth ivy; Coliseum ivy; Penny-wort; Ivy-leaved toad flax
    Cymbalaria muralis P.Gaertn. & B.Mey. & Scherb.-덩굴해란초
    둘 중 하나로
    학명이 다른가? G.Gaertn,P.Gaertn. G와 P의 차이 &이 있고 없고 아 !
    무랄리스킴발라리아 혹은 덩굴해란초

    Cymbalaria muralis, with common names ivy-leaved toadflax, Kenilworth ivy,coliseum ivy, Oxford ivy, mother of thousands, pennywort, wandering sailor, is a flowering plant native to Mediterranean Europe and widely naturalised elsewhere.

    It spreads quickly, growing up to 5 cm (2.0 in) tall – it commonly grows in rock and wall crevices, and along footpaths. The leaves are evergreen, rounded to heart-shaped, 2.5 to 5 cm (1.0 to 2.0 in) long and wide, 3–7-lobed, alternating on thin stems. The flowers are very small, similar in shape to snapdragon flowers. Flowers from May to September.

    This plant has an unusual method of propagation. The flower stalk is initially positively phototropic and moves towards the light – after fertilisation, it becomes negatively phototropic and moves away from the light. This results in seed being pushed into dark crevices of rock walls, where it is more likely to germinate and where it prefers to grow.

    Cymbalaria muralis is native to south and southwest Europe, the southern Alps, eastern Yugoslavia, southern Italy and Sicily. It has spread throughout the world as an invasive plant, including the United States and the British Isles.


    덩굴해란초라고 하고 싶은데.무랄리스킴발라리아와 구분을 할 수 없으니 아!

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