오스테오스페르뭄 '손자'식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2016. 5. 12. 11:28
오스테오스페르뭄 '손자'
Osteospermum 'Sonja' aus der Serie ®'Sunny'
African daisies를 구글에서 검색
Osteospermum, or African daisies made a big splash in display gardens in the 1990s. They looked a little like daisies and they are in the Asteraceae family, along with Shasta daisies and zinnia.
Flowers: Petals can be smooth and flat, like a daisy, or radiate out in a tubular, spoon-shape. There are many color combinations ( lavender, pink, white, yellow and bi-color) and more introduced each year. Bi-color
Botanical Name:
Osteospermum x hybrida (oss-tee-oh-SPUR-mum)
Common Name:
African Daisy, Blue-eyed Daisy, Cape Daisy, Osteo
2.By Heather Rhoades
Osteospermum has become a very popular plant for flower arrangements in the past few years. Many people may wonder what is osteospermum? This flower is better known as the African daisy.
3.Osteospermum /ˌɒstiəˈspɜːrməm, -tioʊ-/, the daisybushes is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Calenduleae, one of the smaller tribes of the sunflower/daisy family Asteraceae.
Osteospermum used to belong to the genus Dimorphotheca, but only the annual species remain in that genus; the perennials belong to Osteospermum. The genus Osteospermum is also closely related to the small genus Chrysanthemoides, such as C. incana and C. monilifera.
The scientific name is derived from the Greek osteon (bone) and Latin spermum (seed). It has been given several common names: African daisy, South African daisy, Cape daisy and blue-eyed daisy.
Their alternate (rarely opposite) leaves are green, but some variegated forms exist. The leaf form is lanceolate. The leaf margin is entire, but hardy types are toothed.
The daisy-like composite flower consists of disc florets and ray florets, growing singly at the end of branches or sometimes in inflorescences of terminal corymbose cymes. The disc florets are pseudo-bisexual and come in several colors such as blue, yellow and purple. The hardy types usually show a dark blue center in the disc until the yellow pollen is shed. The ray florets are female and are found diverse colors such as white, cream, pink, purple, mauve to yellow. Some cultivars have "spooned" petals such as "Pink Whirls". Many species flower a second time late summer, stimulated by the cooler night temperatures. Hardy types show profuse flowering in the spring, but they do not get a second flush of flowers.
[Osteospermum]속으로 http://www.nature.go.kr/kpni/index.do에서 재배식물로는 Osteospermum jucundum (Phillips) Norl.하나가 검색되었다.그것이 유쿤둠오스테오스페르뭄이다.디모르세카라고 했는데 국명은 유쿤둠오스테오스페르뭄.유통명과 국명이 너무나 거리가 멀다.이것도 디모르포세카, 아프리카 데이지라고 부른다. 많이 달라 보이는데.Osteospermum 속은 맞는데 국가표준식물목록에는
Osteospermum jucundum (Phillips) Norl.이 학명 하나이니 같은 국명일까?
꽃의 모양이 특이하기에 또 다른 국명이 있을 듯 한데.
국표에 없는 Osteospermum 'Sonja' aus der Serie ®'Sunny' 다.http://www.wikiwand.com/de/Kapk%C3%B6rbchen
Osteospermum African Daisy Whirligig
Osteospermum 'Sunny Elena'
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