부들레야 린들레이아나-[정명] Buddleja lindleyana Fortune식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2015. 12. 17. 19:56
부들레야 린들레이아나
과명 Engler-Loganiaceae (마전과)
APG Ⅳ- Scrophulariaceae (현삼과)속명 Buddleja (부들레야속) 전체학명 [정명]Buddleja lindleyana Fortune 추천명 부들레야 린들레이아나 이명 외국명 Lindley's butterfly bush 앵글러 Loganiaceae (마전과) APG Ⅳ Scrophulariaceae (현삼과) Buddleja lindleyana is a deciduous shrub native to the provinces of Anhwei, Hunan, Hupeh, Kiangsu, Shanghai, Sichuan, and Yunnan in China, where it grows in rocky scrub alongside streams and tracks at elevations of 200 – 2700 m. The shrub has also naturalized on Okinawa-jima, Japan, and in the south-eastern states of the United States.
B. lindleyana was collected and introduced to western cultivation in 1843 by Robert Fortune, who named it for the botanist John Lindley.
B. lindleyana grows to < 3 m in height in the wild, its slender branches tetragonous in section, and slightly winged. The dark green leaves are opposite, ovate, 4 – 20 cm in length. The individual purple flowers are arguably among the most attractive of the genus, but occur in such small numbers intermittently along slender, terminal one-sided panicles as to make little impact; they are also scentless. Flowering occurs in June and July. Ploidy 2n = 38.
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