환삼덩굴-[정명] Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr.식물/들꽃-삼과(Cannabaceae) 2015. 12. 12. 11:34
과명 Cannabaceae (삼과) 속명 Humulus (환삼덩굴속) 전체학명 [정명]Humulus japonicus Sieboid & Zucc.-> Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr. 추천명 환삼덩굴 이명 한삼덩굴,범상덩굴,언겅퀴,좀환삼덩굴 외국명 한삼덩굴, カナムグラ,Japanese Hop 나물로도 좋다.
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
Female flowers
male flowers
male flowers
male flowers
Female flowers
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Humulus_Japonicus_female.jpg#/media/File:Humulus_Japonicus_female.jpg Female flowers are in short, dense, cone-like spikes about ¾ inch long at the tips of stalks arising from leaf axils and at branch tips, with a few to several flowers in a cluster. Female flowers have 2 long thread-like styles, no petals, and each surrounded by a green bract that is sparsely hairy and gland-dotted on the surface, and fringed with white hairs all around the edge. Humulus japonicus (Japanese Hops): Minnesota Wildflowers Male flowers are in branching clusters arising from upper leaf axils and at branch tips, with 20 to 100+ flowers in a cluster. Male flowers have 5 stamens and 5 spreading sepals that are fringed with hairs. Color ranges from greenish to yellowish to pinkish-brown. '식물 > 들꽃-삼과(Cannabaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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