노비벨기아스터 '스타라이트'식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2015. 3. 20. 14:38
노비벨기아스터 '스타라이트'
과명 Asteraceae(국화과) 속명 Aster (참취속) 전체학명 Aster novi-belgii 'Starlight' 추천명 노비벨기아스터 '스타라이트' 이명 외국명 Daisy MichaelmasMichaelmas daisy Aster novi-belgii ‘Starlight’ (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii ‘Starlight’). I’ve always thought that Starlight was a rubbish name for this lovely little Aster – it just doesn’t seem to fit, but despite this it’s a little beauty. The plants are relatively short and compact at 40cm and the flowers are a generous size in a strong glowing pink. Each individual semi-double bloom has a full skirt of neatly arranged narrow petal that are a strong mid-pink, darkening slightly towards a centre that is a mix of ruby red and yellow.
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