튤립 '아펠도른'식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2014. 7. 30. 16:44
튤립 '아펠도른'
과명 Liliaceae (백합과) 속명 Tulipa (산자고속) 전체학명
Tulipa 'Apeldoorn' 추천명 튤립 '아펠도른' 이명 외국명 http://www.nature.go.kr/newkfsweb/kfs/idx/SubIndex.do?orgId=kpni&mn=KFS_29
에는Tulipa (산자고속)이 45종이나 된다. 이 중에Tulipa 'Apeldoorn' [튤립'아펠도론]으로 보고 싶다.
튤립 '아펠도른' Darwin hybrid tulips are very vigorous, with the tallest stems and the largest flowers. They are exceptionally impressive varieties, single and with a classic shape, and the most flowers from mid-April to mid-May. Like all Darwin hybrids, 'Apeldoorn', which has cherry-red blooms, is an ideal variety for spring bedding and also makes outstanding cut flower.
Type: Bulbs Height: Medium 20" (Plant 6" apart) Bloom Time: Mid-Spring to Late Spring
Sun-Shade: Full Sun to Half Sun/ Half Shade
Zones: 3-8 Soil Condition: Normal
Flower / Accent: Red / Red - See more at: http://www.bluestoneperennials.com/BTUAP.html#sthash.aUeZKKXL.dpufA strong weather resistant tulip with large red flowers in April and May. A true classic spring display. The Classic red of 'Apeldoorn' is one of the most well known tulip in the world. 8 bulbs per bag. Bulb size 12+cm. - See more at: http://www.bluestoneperennials.com/BTUAP.html#sthash.aUeZKKXL.dpuf
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