넓은잎각시붓꽃식물/들꽃-붓꽃과(Iridaceae) 2014. 6. 24. 20:55
넓은잎각시붓꽃 과명 Iridaceae (붓꽃과) 속명 Iris (붓꽃속) 전체학명 Iris rossii var. latifolia J.K.Sim & Y.S.Kim - J. Korean Pl. Taxon.116. 1988 )
추천명 넓은잎각시붓꽃 이명 외국명 The English iris, Iris latifolia, also known as I. xiphiodes and I. anglica, is a hardy
flowering bulbous
species of the iris
, in the family
Iridaceae. It is native to the Pyrenees
of Northwestern Spain. It is widely cultivated in temperate
regions for its blue flowers which appear in early Summer.
I. latifolia grows to a height of 50 cm The plant produces two or three deep blue flowers with yellow marks in the center of the lower petals. Flowers are six-petaled and 12-13 centimeters in diameter. Leaves are stiff and sword-shaped, approximately 60 cm long, and dark green to teal in color. Leaves begin growth in early spring, before the snow has entirely melted. It is a bulbous
iris, as opposed to a rhizomatous
iris. The bulb has a thin, dark brown skin and grows 10– 15 cm deep in the ground.한국의 종 - 대청부채 Iris dichotoma Pall.
- 꽃창포 Iris ensata var. spontanea (Makino) Nakai
- 흰꽃창포 Iris ensata var. spontanea for. alba Y.N.Lee
- 자아만아이리스 Iris germanica L.
- 노랑붓꽃 Iris koreana Nakai
- 타래붓꽃 Iris lactea var. chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz.
- 제비붓꽃 Iris laevigata Fisch. ex Turcz.
- 만주붓꽃 Iris mandshurica Maxim.
- 금붓꽃 Iris minutiaurea Makino
- 신부채붓꽃 Iris neosetosa Y.N.Lee
- 노랑무늬붓꽃 Iris odaesanensis Y.N.Lee
- 흰노랑무늬붓꽃 Iris odaesanensis for. albiflora Y.N.Lee
- 보라노랑무늬붓꽃 Iris odaesanensis for. purpurascens Y.N.Lee
- 노랑꽃창포 Iris pseudacorus L.
- 각시붓꽃 Iris rossii Baker var. rossii
- 흰각시붓꽃 Iris rossii for. alba Y.N.Lee
- 넓은잎각시붓꽃 Iris rossii var. latifolia J.K.Sim & Y.S.Kim
- 솔붓꽃 Iris ruthenica KerGawl.
- 붓꽃 Iris sanguinea Donn ex Horn
- 흰붓꽃 Iris sanguinea for. albiflora Y.N.Lee
- 진보라붓꽃 Iris sanguinea var. violacea Makino
- 부채붓꽃 Iris setosa Pall. ex Link
- 시베리아붓꽃 Iris sibirica L.
- 중국붓꽃 Iris tectorum Maxim.
- 난장이붓꽃 Iris uniflora var. caricina Kitag.
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