나리 '피치 픽시'식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2013. 12. 24. 22:48
나리 '피치 픽시'
과명 - Liliaceae (백합과)
속명 - Lilium (백합속)
- Lilium 'Peach Pixie'
추천명 나리 '피치 픽시'
이명 외국명 The colorful and easy to grow ‘Peach Pixie' is a terrific, tough, dwarf Asiatic lily. Its big, open, virtually spotless blooms are deep peachy pink with gold highlights. This exceptional selection was hybridized by Edward A. McRae of Boring, Oregon.
Asiatic lilies are probably the most common and easily grown type of hybrid lily. They typically bear clusters of wide-flaring flowers atop strong stems. The upright stems are lined with glossy green, narrow, lance-shaped leaves.
Lilies prefer full to partial sun and neutral, well-drained, humus-rich soil. ‘Peach Pixie' is perfect for cutting gardens, containers, and mixed borders. once it has flowered it will not bloom again until the following year, so be sure to plant it with ornamentals that look great later in the season
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