
  • 노랑코스모스-Cosmos sulphureus Cav.
    식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2012. 11. 28. 12:01





    과명 Asteraceae (국화과) 속명 Cosmos (코스모스속)
    Cosmos sulphureus Cav.
    추천명 노랑코스모스
    이명   외국명 Yellow Cosmos /Orange Cosmos /キパナコスモス


    Cosmos sulphureus is also known as sulfur cosmos and yellow cosmos. It is native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America, and naturalized in other parts of North and South America as well as in Europe, Asia, and Australia.This plant was declared invasive by the United States Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council in 1996. The flowers of all Cosmos attract birds and butterflies, including the monarch butterfly. This species of Cosmos is considered a half-hardy annual, although plants may re-appear via self-sowing for several years. Its foliage is opposite and pinnately divided. The plant height varies from 1–7 feet (30–210 cm). The original and its cultivars appear in shades of yellow, orange, and red. It is especially popular in Korea and Japan, where it is often seen in mass plantings along roadsides, following an initiative pursued by the Korean-Japanese botanist Woo Jang-choon.




    Woo Jang-choon.

    Woo Jang-choon was a Korean-Japanese agricultural scientist and botanist famous for breeding plants. He is credited in scientific literature as "U Nagaharu", where "U" is a Korean reading of his Korean family name (禹) but "Nagaharu" is a Japanese reading of the Chinese characters in his Korean given name (長春). Woo was born and raised in Japan, overcoming poverty and discrimination in Imperial Japan to become a prominent researcher and teacher. When Korea was freed of Japanese rule in 1945, Woo left his family in Japan, and traveled to Korea to lead the country's efforts in botany and agriculture. There is a memorial museum in the port city of Busan where he lived and worked in Korea, honoring his life and accomplishments.

    2013-05-06 Cosmos sulphureus Cav.:기재문변경Icon. et descr. pl. 1: 56 ->Icon. (Cavanilles)


    잎은 마주나기(對生)잎차례이고 아래쪽의 것은 긴 잎자루가 있고, 잎새는 윤곽이 삼각상 난형(三角狀 卵形)으로 2회 우상 심열(羽狀 深裂)을 하며, 열편(裂片)은 장타원형(長楕圓形)-피침형(披針形), 끝이 뾰족하고 양면 모두 털이 없다. 위쪽의 잎은 거의 무병(無柄)이며 1-2회 우상심열을 한다. 꽃은 7-9월에 피며, 두화(頭花)는 다수이며 가지 끝에 1 개씩 피고, 꽃의 지름 5-6㎝, 주황색이다. 외총포편(外總苞片)은 8개, 진한 녹색이며, 끝이 점첨두(漸尖頭)이고 내총포편도 8개, 막질(膜質)이다. 통상화(筒狀花)는 양성(兩性)이며 황색이고 끝이 5심열(深裂)되며, 열편은 삼각상 피침형이다. 화상(花床)의 인편(鱗片)은 피침형이다. 수과(瘦果)는 약간 굽었으며 긴 부리 모양의 돌기가 있고 2개의 가시가 있다. 줄기는 높이 40-100㎝, 곧추 서며 가지를 많이 치고 털이 없다.
    1930-1945 년에 한국에 들어왔고 관상용 식물로 재배되고 있으며 일부 일출되어 야생화되었다.





























































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