Datura metel var. fastuosa식물/들꽃-가지과(Solanaceae) 2012. 11. 27. 10:22
국표에는 없다.
과명 Solanaceae (가지과) 속명 Datura (독말풀속) 전체학명 Datura metel var. fastuosa추천명 이명 외국명 The cultivar is known as 'Fastuosa," so the technical name for the plant is DATURA METEL 'FASTUOSA.' The horticultural form is so widely planted throughout the world's tropics that it's known by numerous English names, such as "Purple Hindu," "Blackcurrant Swirl" and "Cornucopaea." Since it's a member of the genus Datura and bears double, purple-tinged flowers, maybe the most appropriate name is "Double Purple Datura."
Double Purple Datura, DATURA METEL 'FASTUOSA' (backyardnature.net)
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