Cyrtocymura scorpioides (Lam.) H.Rob.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2025. 3. 7. 23:00
국표에 없다.
Popular Name(s): Erva-preá, erva-de-são-simão, cambará-ussu, assa-peixe
Description: Herbaceous vine, scandent. Striated, defenceless, pubescent branches, non-scalying, greenish bark. Single, alternate leaves; blade 1.7-11.5 × 0.5-3.2 cm, elliptical to lanceolate; puberulous adaxial surface; target-tomentose abaxial face; apex acuminate; serrated bank; long-attenuated base; broquidódrome venation; petiole 3-6 mm long, glands absent; absent nectaries; Absent ocreas. Inflorescences in cincines, terminal; Chapters 2-175 Flowers, sessile, involucral bracts 2-8, sericeate, ovate-lanceolate; flowers 30-35, tubulous corolla, 5-lobed, glabrous. Cylindrical-turbinate cypsela, sericea, ca. 1 mm long; bristle papus, target, 5-6 mm length (Villagra & Neto 2011)
Habits, ecology: Plant considered a weed, common in a large part of the national territory, inhabits areas of pioneer or disturbed vegetation, such as restingas, capoeirões and areas of anthropic influence. It produces long supporting branches, which grow with great speed, and can suffocate the other cultivated plants. Its flowers are much visited by bees and other insects, with fruits typically dispersed by anemochory.
Uses: Medicinal: Used in folk medicine, its ethanolic extract is used in the treatment of various skin conditions, against inflammations and edematogenic processes, chronic wounds and ulcers. It also has antifungal action. Melifera: Its flowers are highly sought after by various bees, as well as several other insects. "Harms": It can be inconvenient in orchards and pastures, encroaching on them.Cyrtocymura scorpioides – Flora of Santa Catarina (wordpress.com)
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