세에만니아 실바티카-[정명] Seemannia sylvatica (Kunth) Baill.식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2025. 3. 7. 19:38
Plant Growth FormHerbaceous Plant BIOGEOGRAPHY
Native DistributionNative HabitatPreferred Climate ZoneBrazil, Peru, Bolivia Terrestrial Tropical, Sub-Tropical / Monsoonal DESCRIPTION AND ETHNOBOTANY
Growth FormFoliageFlowersRhizomatous herb to 40cm tall Leaves ovate, 5-8cm long, thin - fleshy, dark green, with a layer of adpressed hairs, venation indistinct; mid rib raised, very pale green - white. Under surface of leaves very pale green, tinged with rose red - purplish red towards the petiole, veins raised. Petioles and upper most part of the stems pale green - rose/purplish red. Flowers on long peduncles to 10-12cm long, borne in the axils of the uppermost leaves on the stem, salver form, corolla tube bright orange red - red, to 3cm long by 1.2-1.6cm wide, corolla lobes bright red. Fruit Capsules dehiscent, to 1cm long, drying dark brown, subtended with a persistent calyx lobes. https://youtu.be/SeM_hR2Tiuc?t=416
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