Rubus steudneri Schweinf.식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2025. 3. 1. 15:56
국표에 없다.
The genus Rubus, (especially the blackberries, which are often loosely referred to as Rubus fruticosus agg.) presents some of the most difficult taxonomic problems. This is partly due to the frequency of polyploidy; also to the frequent occurrence of hybridization; and also due to apomixis, where minor differences between plants are preserved because seedlings are genetically identical to their parent. As a result, differences of opinion on the number of species to be recognized from a given region can vary tremendously (for example, a treatment by M. L. Fernald in 1950 recognized 205 species for the northern half of the eastern United States plus parts of southeastern Canada, whilst H. A. Gleason and A. Cronquist in 1991 recognized only 25). Where possible, a relatively conservative approach is taken here
General Information
Rubus steudneri is a hairy, scrambling shrub producing stems armed with small prickles that can grow up to 4 metres long
The plant is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use as a food.
Tropical Africa - Ethiopia, southern Somalia, eastern DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania.
Moist bamboo thicket; edges and clearings in upland rain-forest; secondary bushland and scrub; forest with Podocarpus latifolius, Olea capensis and Syzygium guineense; ravines with Podocarpus latifolius; etc
Rubus steudneri - Useful Tropical Plants (theferns.info)
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