Acacia abyssinica Hochst. ex Benth.식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2025. 2. 28. 12:49
국표에 없다.
Synonyms: Vachellia abyssinica (Hochst. ex Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. Common names: Nyanga flat-top (English) Frequency: Locally frequent Status: Native Description: Flat-topped tree, to 16 m. Bark reddish-brown on older trees; pale yellowish-brown, peeling off in papery wads, on younger trees. Young twigs softly hairy. Thorns in straight pairs at nodes. Leaves: pinnae pairs 20-40; leaflets very small, up to 2(-4) × 0.75 mm. Inflorescence of white spherical heads. Involucel in lower half of peduncle. Pods dehiscent. Type location: Notes: Previously known as subsp. calophylla Brenan, this is no longer recognised (Timberlake, Fagg and Barnes, 1999).
A. abyssinica can be confused with A. sieberiana var woodii, but A. sieberiana usually has fewer than 20 pairs of pinnae and larger leaflets (3-4 mm long), whereas the leaves of A. abyssinica usually have 20-40 pairs of pinnae and the leaflets are usually up to 2 mm long although some overlap occurs. Furthermore, in A. abyssinica the pinnae are relatively short so that the leaves appear long and narrow as may be seen in image number 6.Derivation of specific name: abyssinica: of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) Habitat: Woodland and montane grassland; in Zimbabwe confined to the Eastern Highlands. Frequently planted in gardens in Harare. Altitude range: (metres) Above 1500 m Flowering time: Oct - Dec Worldwide distribution: From Ethiopia southwards to Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique, but not occurring in Zambia or South Africa. National distribution: E Growth form(s): Tree. Flora of Zimbabwe: Species information: Acacia abyssinica (zimbabweflora.co.zw)
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