라피도포라 라테바기나타-[정명] Rhaphidophora latevaginata M.Hotta식물/들꽃-천남성과(Araceae) 2025. 2. 25. 12:26DIAGNOSTIC
Leaves always shingling, even in flowering individuals; leaf lamina stiffly coriaceous, broadly oblong-ovate-elliptic, 8-48 x 6.5-20.5 cm, bright green, slightly to markedly glaucous, base truncate-cordate to broadly cuneate. Flowering on clinging shoots.
source: CATE Araceae
GENERALModerate to very large, robust, pachycaul, homeophyllous neotenic liane to 12 m; seedling stage a non-skototropic shingling juvenile shoot; pre-adult plants forming small terrestrial colonies of shingling closely appressed leaves; LEAVES: adult shoot architecture comprised of clinging, physiognomically unbranched, shingling to very densely leafy, sterile stems and almost identical fertile stems; stems weakly compressed-terete to weakly rectangular in cross-section, smooth, dark green, without prophyll and cataphyll fibre but with at least upper parts with thin, black adherent petiolar sheath tissue, internodes to 12 x 2 cm, separated by prominent straight scars, but scars obscured by leaf bases on all but the oldest stems, lower parts of stem later sub-woody with slightly shiny cracking epidermis; flagellate foraging stems moderately well developed although often somewhat short and leafy; clasping roots arising densely from the nodes and internodes, prominently scaley; feeding roots c. 3 mm diam., brown, minutely pubescent; leaves distichous, appressed, ascending and shingling, becoming slightly scattered and spreading (often litter-trapping) towards fertile tips; cataphylls and prophylls membranous, soon drying black and persisting briefly before falling; petiole deeply canaliculate and winged, 3-22 x 0.5-2 cm, smooth, apical and basal genicula almost obscure in young leaves, later becoming prominent, especially the basal geniculum; petiolar sheath very pronounced, up to 2.5 cm wide, rather thickly membranous, prominently ligulate, outer sheath (away from climbing surface) greatly expanded and partly to completely obscuring stem, sheath turning black but persisting some considerable time, eventually rotting away to reveal two large scars extending to the top of the petiole; lamina broadly oblong-ovate-elliptic, 8-48 x 6.5-20.5 cm stiffly coriaceous, bright green, slightly to markedly glaucous, base truncate-cordate to broadly cuneate, very briefly decurrent, apex rounded to acute with a tiny apicule; mid-rib prominently raised abaxially, slightly sunken adaxially; primary venation pinnate, slightly raised abaxially, more so adaxially; interprimaries sub-parallel to primaries, slightly raised on both leaf surfaces; secondary venation tessellate-reticulate, slightly raised abaxially, ± flush adaxially, all veins much more prominent in dried material; INFLORESCENCE solitary on a clinging shoot, subtended by a fully developed foliage leaf and one or more cataphylls; peduncle laterally compressed-cylindrical, 6.5-11 x 0.5-0.7 cm; spathe not observed; spadix stoutly cigar-shaped, sessile; spadix inserted ± level on stipe, 17.5 x 1.5 cm, pale green; stylar region rhombohexagonal, c. 2 x 1 mm, truncate; stigma slightly raised, elongated, longitudinally orientated, c. 0.75 x 0.2 mm; anthers not exserted at male anthesis; INFRUCTESCENCE stoutly cigar-shaped, 15 x 2 cm, stylar region becoming convex at fruit maturity.
source: CATE Araceae
HABITATPrimary to secondary moist lowland to hill dipterocarp forest on clay and sandstone.
source: CATE Araceae
Rhaphidophora latevaginata M.Hotta (gbif.org)
Rhaphidophora latevaginata M.Hotta | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
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