Mapania cuspidata (Miq.) Uittien식물/들꽃-사초과(Cyperaceae) 2025. 2. 15. 09:57
국표에 없다.
Leaves subcoriaceous, the lower ones reduced to bladeless sheaths, the upper ones very variable in shape and size, lorate to broadly linear, usually with 3 prominent nerves, scabrous on margins and keel beneath towards the apex, dark green above, paler beneath, pink to purplish when young, (3-)10-90 by (½-)3-7 cm, the apex not rarely notched and suddenly to rather gradually narrowed into an up to 10 cm long aculeate tail, the base contracted into a conduplicate ribbed petiole dilated into a scariously margined inflated sheath in the lower part. Inflorescence normally consisting of a single terminal spikelet, sometimes with 1-2(-4) digitately arranged sessile or peduncled lateral spikelets in the axils of the lower glumes. Flowers about as long as the glumes.Distribution
Asia-Tropical: Thailand (Thailand), Bougainville, Java only in the western part, Lesser Sunda Is, Solomons, W. Flores: Paku, 500 mThailand, Solomons (Bougainville), almost throughout Malesia, in Java only in the western part, Lesser Sunda Is. (W. Flores: Paku, 500 m, plant 1 m, locally gregarious, in rain-forest, Schmutz 4816).Mapania cuspidata | Flora Malesiana (cybertaxonomy.org)
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