로키잣나무-[정명] Pinus aristata Engelm.식물/들꽃-소나무과(Pinaceae) 2025. 1. 26. 12:45
Pinus aristata, the Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine or Colorado bristlecone pine is a long-lived species of bristlecone pine tree native to the United States. It is found in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and northern New Mexico, with an isolated population in the San Francisco Peaks of Arizona. It is found at very high altitudes, from 2,100 to 4,000 meters (6,900 to 13,100 ft) in cold, dry subalpine climate conditions, often at the tree line, although it also forms extensive closed-canopy stands at somewhat lower elevations.
Pinus aristata is a medium-size tree, commonly reaching 15 meters (49 ft) in height and occasionally as much as 20 m (66 ft) in their natural habitat. In favorable conditions they are straight and upright trees, but they become increasingly stunted, short, and twisted the closer they grow to timberline. The crown of the tree is flattened, irregular, or round in shape when fully mature. The trunk can be very substantial, commonly 75 cm (2 ft) and up to 1 m (3.3 ft) in diameter, and tapers very noticeably towards the top. The bark is fairly smooth and white-gray on young trees, but becomes dark and cracked with a scaly texture on old trees. The color of older bark varies from red-brown to gray.
Young trees that are not stunted have evenly spaced whorls of branches. On older trees the branches are crooked and twisting and may be partially dead. Twigs begin as red-brown, but become gray with age. Twigs and very young branches are covered in needles that last for 10 to 17 years, giving them a shaggy bottle brush appearance.[6][4] The needle like leaves are bundles of five and are 2–4 centimeters long, but usually longer than 3 cm. The fascicle, the base that holds the needles together, breaks down more quickly in Pinus aristata than in Pinus longaeva, giving a more even appearance to its branches. The resin canals in the needles are closer to the surface and not as sturdy, explaining the noticeable white flecks of resin. The botanist Dana K. Bailey described the needles covered in resin as appearing "dandruffy". The small dried droplets are easily mistaken for scale insects. Between the white specks the needles are dark green in color. The buds are egg shaped with a long tapering point (acuminate), about 1 cm in size. New shoots are light orange and may covered in hairs or hairless.
'식물 > 들꽃-소나무과(Pinaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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