Cecropia obtusa Trécul식물/들꽃-쐐기풀과(Urticaceae) 2025. 1. 17. 15:03
국표에 없다.
Fruits lanceolate-ellipsoid, ca. 2.9 x 0.8 x 0.8 mm, brown, glossy, the end(s) more or less acute, the transverse section triangular-rounded or elliptic, the surface indistinctly undulate-rugose; mucilage layer ca. 0.1 mm thick exudes after placed of fruits in water. Pedicel scar conspicuous, basal, circular; vascular bundle single, on one lateral side. Pericarp ca. 160 µm thick, thicker on lateral sides, thinner in middle of dorsal and ventral sides, with 5-9 layers, differentiated into exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. Exocarp single-layered, with two cell types: the first mucilaginous, with wavy, thin, anticlinal walls and thickened outer periclinal walls, considerably elongated when wet, the cell boundaries usually not destroyed upon wetting, the second cell type non-mucilaginous, with thin walls, filled with brown pigment, the mucilaginous cells more abundant and surrounding small groups of non-mucilaginous cells. Mesocarp 3-7 layers thick, differentiated into two (on dorsal and ventral sides) or three (on lateral sides) zones, the outer zone 2-4 layers of longitudinally elongated cells filled with brown tannins, the cell walls slightly thickened, the outer periclinal walls of first layer thicker, the intermediate zone present on lateral sides, of 1-2 layers of sclerified stone cells, the inner zone a single layer of cells, each with a large prismatic crystal 11-18 µm diam. Endocarp occupying one-half to two-thirds of pericarp, consisting of a single layer of radially elongated macrosclereids with very narrow lumens, the lumens broad and more-or-less roundish at apex as seen in transverse section, the cell walls considerably thickened, with thin tiny pores, the pores thicker at cell apex. Seeds oblong-ovoid, 1.6 x 0.5 x 0.5 mm, light brown, glossy, the micropilar end acute, the transverse section triangular-rounded or elliptic, the surface indistinctly striate-reticulate. Hilum conspicuous, basal, slightly displaced to one side. Seed coat derived from 2 integuments, in mature seed reduced to membrane 8-9 µm thick, of two cell layers, the cells of first layer longitudinally elongated, very small, flat, light brown, thin-walled, the cells of second layer transversally elongated, bigger, thick-walled, filled with tannins. Endosperm of 2-5 layers, the cells thin-walled, with protein bodies, small starch grains, and oil. Embryo linear, straight, ca. 1.5 x 0.4 mm, the cotyledons large (ca. 1 mm long), plano-convex.
General Information
Cecropia obtusa is an evergreen tree growing up to 12 metres tall[
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and adhesive. It is suitable for use as a pioneer species to restore woodland.Known Hazards
The branches and leaf petioles of Cecropia species are often hollow and can harbour stinging ants. The trees attract the ants by means of producing a honey-like sap and the ants respond by working to keep the tree free of leaf-eating pests - which can include humans[
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