
  • 바람고사리-[정명] Cystopteris sudetica A.Braun & Milde
    식물/들꽃-한들고사리과(Cystopteridaceae) 2025. 1. 2. 08:24

    Cystopteris sudetica A. Braun & Milde, Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 92. 1855.

    欧洲冷蕨 ou zhou leng jue

    Cystopteris leucosoria Schur; Rhizomatopteris sudetica (A. Braun & Milde) A. P. Khokhrjakov.

    Rhizomes long creeping, 1-2 mm in diam., rhizome and stipe bases clothed with brown short hairs and few pale brown, membranous, ovate-lanceolate scales, apex more densely scaly. Fronds distant; fertile fronds (15-)20-30 cm; stipe stramineous, shiny, 10-16(-20) cm, thin; lamina 3-pinnate, broadly ovate or ovate-triangular, 9-15(-20) × 8-12(-15) cm, thinly herbaceous or herbaceous when dry, acuminate; pinnae 8-12 pairs, ascending, basal pinnae not shortened, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, (3-)4.5-7(-8) × 1.8-3 cm at middle, slightly narrowed, inequilateral at base, stalked (stalk 2-3 mm), subopposite, (1-) 1.5-2.5(-3) cm apart from second basal pinnae, 2-pinnate, apex acuminate; pinnules 8-12 pairs, anadromous, alternate, acroscopic pinnule slightly shorter than basiscopic one or subequal, second basiscopic pinnule largest, ovate or ovate-triangular, 1-2 cm × 5-8 mm, unequally sided, acroscopic base parallel to costa, basiscopic base cuneate, subsessile or with 1-2 mm stalk, toothed, apex obtuse or acute; secondary pinnules or pinnule segments 4 or 5 pairs, broadly ovate to oblong, basal acroscopic one largest, 5-6 × 3-4 mm, broadly cuneate, free or adnate to costule by narrow wing at base, margin lobed, rounded-obtuse or subtruncate, serrate at apex; upper pinnules gradually smaller, oblong-obovate, crenate at apex, basiscopic side entire, acroscopic side with 1 or 2 lobes; upper pinnae lanceolate, pinnatifid, segments serrate at apex, toward base entire at margin; veins visible on both surfaces, simple or 1- or 2-forked, terminating in emarginations. Rachis and costae with sparse or dense short glandular hairs and few long multicellular hairs. Sori small, orbicular, 1 or 2 per ultimate segment, often abaxial on suprabasal veins; indusia pale brown or yellow-brown, suborbicular or shallowly cupular, with sparse tiny glandular hairs. Perispore echinate. 2n = 84, 168.

    Coniferous and mixed forests; 900-3300 m. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shanxi, Xizang, Yunnan [Japan, Korea, E and W Russia; Europe].

    Occurrence 3455538052 (gbif.org)




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    Cystopteris sp.  (0) 2023.06.15
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