Paeonia jishanensis T.Hong & W.Z.Zhao식물/들꽃-작약과(Paeoniaceae) 2024. 12. 19. 20:19
국표에 없다.
Paeonia jishanensis is a species of peony which produces white flowers, sometimes with pink shading at the base of the petals, in mid to late spring. The flowers are always borne singly. P. jishanensis can reach to 1.2m in height. This species was once thought to be a variety of P. suffruticosa.
Paeonia jishanensis - Wikipedia
Shrub to 1.8 m, reproducing vegetatively by scaly underground stems to 1 m long. Bark grey or grey-brown. Lower leaves biternate, usually with 9 leaflets; leaflets ovate to orbicular, 3-lobed, 4–8 × 3–11 cm, the lobes themselves lobed; glabrous above, villous beneath at least on the veins. Flowers solitary, terminal, April–May in China, with 2–3 unequal, long-elliptic bracts; sepals 3–4, broadly ovate with rounded apex, green or yellow-green, 2.5–5 × 1.8–2.5 cm; petals 5–11, white, occasionally pinkish at base or margins, obovate, 4.5–7.2 × 4.6 cm, apex irregularly cut; filaments pink or purple, white above, 8–10 mm; anthers yellow; disc wholly enveloping carpels at anthesis, leathery, red-purple, apex dentate; carpels 5. Follicles densely brown-yellow hairy, oblong. Seeds dark brown, nearly spherical, 8–9 mm diameter. (Hong et al. 2001; Hong 2010).
Paeonia jishanensis - Trees and Shrubs Online
Paeonia jishanensis (pivoine-hellebore.com)
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