Cotula sericea L.f.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 12. 15. 16:35
국표에 없다.
TaxonomyScientific NameCotula sericea L.f.Higher ClassificationDicotyledons FamilyASTERACEAE SynonymsCenia sericea (L.f.) DC., Cotula fallax D.J.N.Hind, Cotula sericea L.f. var. concolor Harv. (illegitimate name) National StatusStatus and CriteriaRareAssessment Date2015/07/12 Assessor(s)L. von Staden JustificationA rare, range-restricted habitat specialist (EOO 316 km²), but not threatened. DistributionEndemismSouth African endemic Provincial distributionWestern Cape RangeHigh mountain peaks in the Koue Bokkeveld. Habitat and EcologyMajor systemTerrestrial Major habitatsMatjiesfontein Shale Renosterveld, Ceres Shale Renosterveld, Kouebokkeveld Shale Fynbos, Northern Inland Shale Band Vegetation DescriptionHigh altitude shale bands. PopulationPopulation trendStable Threatened Species Programme | SANBI Red List of South African Plants
Cotula sericea is a hardy, evergreen, fast-growing, flat, sprawling groundcover with really beautiful, grey-green leaves that have fine hairs that give this plant a soft silky texture.
The single, bright-yellow, button-like flowers are carried on long stems above the leaves. They have some flowers all year round, but in profusion in spring and summer.
The flowers attract many insects to the garden. It is also used in traditional medicine. This versatile plant can be used as a groundcover, in amongst rocks, in containers, in hanging baskets, on pond edges and also in seepages and damp areas. It can also be used to stabilise banks.
Prune regularly to keep it strong and in shape. Plant in well-drained soil, in full sun or light shade, and water regularly.
Size: 20 to 40mmCotula sericea Silky Buttons (randomharvest.co.za)
Cotula sericea L.f. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
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