Colletia ulicina Gill. & Hook식물/들꽃-갈매나무과(Rhamnaceae) 2024. 12. 14. 22:46
Colletia ulicina, an endemic species from the central region of Chile, displays red, tubular, scented, nectariferous flowers at the tip of its branches. Observations at two sites during two consecutive years indicate that the hummingbird Sephanoides sephaniodes (Trochilidae) visits the flowers on a regular basis. Captured hummingbirds had C. ulicina pollen loads on body parts matching the location of anthers and stigmas. The C. ulicina–S. sephaniodes interaction is well established (hummingbird visits were frequent, systematical, and occurred at different sites) although it lacks specificity (S. sephaniodes is a generalist hummingbird and C. ulicina has another, seasonally important pollinator, the even more generalist bumblebee Bombus dahlbomii). To the best of our knowledge this is the first documented report on bird pollination in the Rhamnaceae.
Rhamnaceae constitute a medium-sized plant family (52 genera and ca. 925 species) in which pollination is generally effected by insects that visit the flowers for nectar and pollen (Medan and Schirarend, 2004). Most flower–visitor interactions are unspecialized, but as the floral tube varies in diameter and length across the family (Medan and Schirarend, 2004; Suessenguth, 1953), it has been suggested that flower tube depth is related to the composition and level of specialization of the flower visitor assemblage (Medan and Aagesen, 1995).Within the tribe Colletieae (20 spp., mainly south American), relatively specialized pollinators like Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera prevail among long-tubed species, many of which have white or, at most, pinkish flowers. The trend to specialization was predicted to reach ornithophily in Colletia ulicina Gill. et Hook., a Chilean species in which the flowers, although not particularly large for the tribe, are narrowly tubular and bright red (Medan and Aagesen, 1995). Here we report observations and pollen load data that document the pollination of C. ulicina by hummingbirds (and, seasonally, also bumblebees) at two Chilean populations during two consecutive years. We also briefly characterize the plant-pollinator network to which the focal plant belongs, in an attempt to assess the relative importance that this mutualism has for the interacting partners.Colletia ulicina from Chile (strangewonderfulthings.com)
Colletia ulicina · iNaturalist
'식물 > 들꽃-갈매나무과(Rhamnaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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