
  • Rhinanthus alpinus Baumg.
    식물/들꽃-열당과(Orobanchaceae) 2024. 12. 10. 12:08

    국표에 없다.

    Alpine cockcomb (scientific name Rhinanthus alpinus Baumg.1816) is a herbaceous plant of the Alpine areas, belonging to the Orobanchaceae family


    The name of the genus (Rhinanthus) was assigned by the Swedish biologist and writer Carl von Linné (Rashult, 23 May 1707 – Uppsala, 10 January 1778) in 1737, combining two Greek terms: rhin or rhinòs (= nose) and ànthos (= flower) and refers to the particular shape of the flower (nasuto).  The common name (alpine rooster crest) refers to a certain resemblance that the flower has with the head of the rooster, in particular the serrated bracts resemble the crest of the feathered bird; while the specific epithet alpinus (= of the Alps) refers to the most usual habitat of this plant. 

    The scientific binomial of the plant in this entry was proposed by the German physicist and botanist Johann Christian Gottlob Baumgarten (1765-1843), born in Luková (Lukau in German), a municipality in the Czech Republic, in the publication "Enumeratio Stirpium Magno Transsilvaniae - 2: 194. 1816]" of 1816. 


    Bearing. Location: Passo di Falzarego, Cortina (BL), 2105 m a.s.l. - 4/8/2008

    The average height of these plants ranges from 10 to 40 cm. The biological form is therophyte scaposa (T scap), they are herbaceous plants that differ from other biological forms because, being annual, they overcome the adverse season in the form of seeds, they are also equipped with an erect floral axis with few leaves. They are alsosemi-parasitic plants (i.e. they still contain chlorophyll) and are provided with one or more austors connected to the host roots to obtain nutrients. 


    The roots are taproot-type.


    The aerial part of the stem is erect and not very branchy. At the base it can be kneebed and the surface can be crossed by dark striae more or less pubescent.


    The shape of the leaves varies from lanceolate to ovate or they are almost linear with toothed margins (almost serrated); they are sessile and along the stem they are arranged in the opposite way. The color of the leaves is pale green. Average size of lanceolate leaves: width 7 – 15 mm; length 20 – 40 mm. Average size of ovate-type leaves: width 15 mm; length 25 mm. Average size of the leaves linear type: width 3 mm; length 24 mm.


    The inflorescence looks like a "spiciform" terminal raceme (with sessile flowers or with very short peduncles), leafy with large glabrous triangular-shaped bracts. The margin of the bracts is crossed by a series of acute saw-like teeth and are not aristats; the bracts are also longer than the calyx of the respective flower. The teeth are up to 5 mm long and the lower ones are longer than the upper ones. The flowers are contiguous at the anthesis, while at fruiting the lower ones are more spaced. Length of the pedicle: 1 – 2 mm. Bract length: 10 – 20 mm.


    The flowers are hermaphroditezygomorphic (of the bilabiate type), with four whorls (calyx - corolla - androecium - gynoecium) and pentamerians (the corolla is 5 parts).

    • Flower formula: the following flower formula is indicated for this plant:

    X, K (4), [C (2+3), A 2+2], G (2), (exceed), capsule

    • Chalice: the chalice is gamosepal, with four close parts ending with teeth; the surface is hairless; The chalice has an enlarged oval shape but compressed at the sides. Chalice size: 6mm width; length 7 – 8 mm. Tooth length: 2 mm.
    • Corolla: the corolla is sympetal, light yellow in color, and consists of a cylindrical tube ending in a bilabiate flap; of the two lips, the lower one (which is shorter) is three-lobed, while the upper one takes the form of a bob flattened at the sides; at the apical end there is a conical purplish nose 1.3 – 2 mm long. The jaws (the area of separation between the upper and lower lip) in this species are quite open (corolla of the "anectolema" type - see image below). Corolla size : 15 mm.
    • Androecium: the androecium has four didynamic stamens (two large and two small), the large ones are positioned under the helmet of the corolla and are straighter. The anthers are arranged transversely and have a velvety surface; they are provided with two more or less equal loggias. Pollen sacs have arrow-shaped underparts. 
    • Gynaecium: the ovary is super-formed by two carpels (it is therefore bilocular, derived from the two initial carpels), but with few ovules) and has a flattened shape; the stylus is of the filiform type and slightly curved; The stigma happened to be of the bilobe type.
    • Flowering: from June to September.


    The fruit is contained in the calyx (persistent and increasing) and has the structure of a mucronate capsule with variable dehiscence and a hairless surface. The shape is rounded but flattened at the sides. Inside there are loggias that open through two valves. The lodges contain the kidney-like seeds with endosperm, quite large but compressed almost discoidal and surrounded by a translucent wing. Seed diameter: 3 – 4 mm.

    Rhinanthus alpinus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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