
  • Amborella trichopoda Baill.
    식물/들꽃-암보렐라과(Amborellaceae) 2024. 12. 8. 11:36

    국표에 없다.

    Genome Overview

    Amborella trichopoda is the single living representative of the sister lineage to all other extant flowering plants. Its genome is considered a pivotal reference for understanding genome and gene family evolution throughout angiosperm history.Genome structure and phylogenomic analyses indicate that the ancestral angiosperm was a polyploid with a large constellation of both novel and ancient genes that survived to play key roles in angiosperm biology (from The Amborella Genome and the Evolution of Flowering Plants, Science 20 December 2013)

    About Amborella trichopoda

    Amborella trichopoda is a small, tropical shrub endemic to New Caledonia. It is the only species in the genus Amborella, which is the only member of the family Amborellaceae. As the only living species on the sister lineage to all other flowering plants, it is an important reference for studying plant evolution. Individual Amborella trichopoda are usually sprawling understory shrubs, although occasionally they grow up to eight metres high. They have evergreen leaves and small, white to yellow flowers. The species is dioecious; female plants producing carpals and males producing stamens. Individual plants can change sex between flowerings. Unlike nearly all other flowering plants, they do not posses vessel elements for water conduction.

    Amborella's genome is a relatively compact 870Mb, arranged into 13 chromosome pairs.

    [ Amborella trichopoda는 뉴 칼레도니아 고유의 작은 열대 관목입니다.,그것은 Amborellaceae 계통의 유일한 구성원인 Amborella 속의 유일한 종입니다.,자매 계통의 유일한 살아있는 종으로서 다른 모든 꽃 피는 식물에, 그것은 식물 진화를 연구하는 데 중요한 참고 자료입니다.,개별 Amborella trichopoda는 때로는 높이가 8 미터까지 자라지만 일반적으로 거대한 하층 관목입니다.,그들은 상록수 잎과 작고 흰색에서 노란색 꽃을 가지고 있다.,종은 자웅 동성이다. 손목을 생산하는 암컷 식물과 수술을 생산하는 수컷.,개별 식물은 꽃 사이의 성을 바꿀 수 있습니다.,거의 모든 다른 개화 식물과는 달리, 그들은 물 전도를위한 선박 요소를 소유하지 않습니다.
    Amborella의 게놈은 13 개의 염색체 쌍으로 배열 된 비교적 컴팩트 한 870Mb입니다.]

    carpals -

    • 1.수근(手根)(골)의
    • 2.수근골
    • 3.완골(腕骨)의


    • 수술


    Amborella's draft genome sequence was published in December, 2013, by the Amborella Genome Project. Initial sequencing and contig assembly was performed using a whole-genome shotgun (WGS) strategy. Contigs and scaffold assignments were refined, and superscaffolds constructed from them using evidence from end-sequenced BACs, single-molecule restriction digest (OpGen) experiments, and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) experiments.


    The Amborella genome project carried out ab initio annotation of genes and repetitive elements using the DAWGPAWS and EVidenceModeler software packages. These annotations were refined through manual comparison with assembled Amborella cDNA transcripts, gene family analyses, and homology studies.

    Details - Amborella_trichopoda - Ensembl Genomes 60


    Each flower is aprroximately 4 to 5 mm in diameter with a dozen or more bract-like tepals (perianth segments undifferentiated into petals & sepals). The flowers have a dozen or more spirally arranged stamens, which become progressively smaller toward the center.

    Evolution (waynesword.net)

    Amborella - Wikipedia

    Amborella flowers and drupes (fleshy indehiscent stone-fruits), as described by Angeret al. and Fogliani et al., from the cover of the March issue of AoB.  The flowers illustrated are unusual for Amborella as they show a bisexual phenotype that arises in some otherwise male individuals in the population.

    Amborella trichopoda helps reveal features of the first flowering plants (botany.one)

    Uncovering the Genetic Basis of Sex Determination in Amborella trichopoda (msn.com)


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