
  • Dioon planifolium Salas-Mor., Chemnick & T.J.Greg.
    식물/들꽃-자메이카소철과(Zamiaceae) 2024. 12. 6. 18:41

    국표에 없다.

    long ago, for agriculture. The potential for habitat destruction or poaching to threaten the stability of the species is great because the area of distribution is small and no D. planifolium occur in any reserves or protected areas. We estimate that D. planifolium has a total population of ca. 5,000 plants and suggest an IUCN Redlist status of Vulnerable (VU C1 + D2) for this species (IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2). This species occurs within an elevational range of 1400–1650 m on steep slopes and cliffs in a dry, desert-like scrub transition zone (rich in cactus and succulents) between tropical deciduous forest and oak/pine forest where a confluence of plant types

    from each are found growing together (Fig. 2). The soil is sandy and derived from sandstone and granite. The habitat consists of an overstory of Acacia cochliacantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd, Bursera bipinnata Engl., B. glabrifolia Engl., B. mirandae C.A. Toledo, Fraxinus uhdei (Wenz.) Lingelsh., Havardia acatlensis Britton & Rose, Pachycereus weberi (J.M. Coul.) Backeb., Pinus sp., and Quercus glaucoides M.Martens & Galeotti. Other cactus and succulents include Hechtia sp., Agave angustifolia Haw., A. kerchovei Lem., A. seemanniana Jacobi, Ferocactus recurvus (Mill.) Borg. M. albilanata Backeb., Mammillaria carnea Zucc. ex Pfeifer, M. crucígera Mart., M. dixanthocentron Backeb., M. flavicentra Backeb. ex Mottram, M. haageana Pfeiff., Myrtillocactus geometrizans Console, Neobuxbaumia tetetzo (F.A.C. Weber ex K.Schum.) Backeb., O. puberula Pfeiff., Opuntia velutina F.A.C. Weber, and Yucca periculosa Baker. Reproduction. Strobili shed pollen and are receptive to pollination in the months of November and December. Seed is released April through June, in advance of the rainy season. The pollinator has been identified by O’Brien and Tang (2015) as the Dioon weevil, Parallocorynus bicolor (Voss). Dispersal agents have not been identified but tell-tale gnawing marks on the sarcotesta in seed caches found in habitat suggest that rodents are implicated, at least at the local level

    88-1 Chemnick et al_AC.pdf (cycadflorida.com)



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